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"Sorry I took so long" He said as he moved to open the passenger side door to his car.

Auggie didn't have time to go back to his pack for a fresh outfit so instead he made a trip into town and picked one up.

"You're fine, I got some homework finished up my parents don't start dinner until 7." I tried to assure him.

"Alright, let me just get dressed really quick and then maybe we should take off...I don't want to show up late."

"Hey...relax." I smiled.

He nodded and left me in the living room while he went back into my bedroom and got changed.

He really didn't take very long as he'd stated and once done we took off.

Riding in the car next to him I could tell he was nervous.

I reached over and grabbed his hand, he looked at me and smiled a soft smile now...he seemed to deflate almost as he relaxed a bit more, "Sorry...but this my second shot to get his right."

I understood his concern but shook my head, "Just be yourself Auggie and don't worry about trying to impress them."

We reached the house and just like Dad said, there was no one else there, I walked us in and called out to them. "Mom...Dad?"

My Mom poked her head out of the kitchen and smiled before she made her way over to us. She lovingly gave me a tight hug and kissed my hair before she surprised both Auggie and myself by also pulling him into a motherly embrace.

"It's so good to see you again Augustine."

"The pleasure is always mine Luna Wylde."

Mom actually blushed and shook his words away, "It's Juliette..." She said to him before turning her gaze to me now. "Your father's went to meet with the guard as they have patrols tonight...and with these rogues running rampant patrols are essential for all surrounding packs right now."

"Have there been more attacks?" Auggie asked with full concern now.

Mom nodded, "Unfortunately Alpha Leeman's pack was hit just last night, sadly a girl was taken...fortunately for them though The Leeman's have a larger pack or the damages could've been much worse."

A pit in my stomach grew and Auggie picked up on it as he rubbed my back, "I didn't realize the threats were as severe as they truly are...I mean you and Dad have talked about rogues before, but it's always sorta been like a drill or something." I admitted.

Mom offered me a kindhearted smile, "I know baby...and we've been lucky that the rogues have never had the gall to come to our pack before...but these new rogues are different...more calculated, organized...-"

"We think they may be banding together with a specific plan of action in mind." My father suddenly sounded as he enter the pack house. He greeted Auggie with a firm handshake and a fatherly pat on the shoulder before he hugged me, "Glad you two made it...I wanted a redo of our first dinner, I know we all sort of left that dinner with more than a little uncertainty."


As we all sat down to the meal mom had prepared for all of us Auggie and Dad fell into an easy conversation about these rogue attacks so mom and I caught up for a minute.

"How's school?"

I smiled, "I'm liking it more than I expected to...I guess it helps when you're actually in school for something you want to do, opposed to something you have to do."

"You were always brilliant, but I agree...and you're right, going for something you love is always a good driving force to keep with it." Then she smiled, "And how's everything else going..." She asked as shelet her eyes trail over to Auggie, in an attempt to keep our conversation a little private as he and Dad were still talking.

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