Hard Truth

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Listening to Augustine speak with such passion was an amazing thing.

I couldn't help but sit amongst his student and be completely drawn in by him and his teaching style. So when class ended the room cleared out and I lingered.

"So what'd you think?" He asked as he collected his notes from his desk.

"I think it's a lot more intricate than I originally thought...but something I could see myself getting into."

He smiled, "I'm glad to hear it Grace."

"Hey about that that...should I call you Professor, Mister Andolini?"

"You can call me Augustine." He said cooly.

"How about Auggie."

He let a small chuckle fall from his lips now as he nodded, "Auggie is fine if thats' what you're comfortable with."

I nodded now, that moment of silence started to fill us. "I-I should get out of your hair...let you prepare for your next class."

He shook his head now, "That was my last class for the day."


"Uh...so can we talk a little bit more or do you have to get to class now?" He asked.

"I'm free...should we talk here or should we go somewhere?"

"Here's probably more convenient, and if no one walks in, it's private enough." He offered.

I swallowed hard at his mentioning we were in fact alone...a teacher and a student...two mates.

"Don't worry Grace...I told you, no rushing." He quickly calmed me down. "Plus I have a pretty hard truth to lay out before we go any further."

I instantly picked up on his unsure state now. "Okay." I said taking a seat in the front row now. 

He sighed and took the seat next to mine, "So earlier I spoke about being open and all of that, but I want us to be honest with one another as well...and that's why I have to tell you that...well, I'm currently contracted to marry someone."

His words hit my ears but I couldn't believe what I was hearing, more so I couldn't understand my reaction to hearing this news.

I wanted to cry.

Was this the Fate's way of getting back at me?

All these years I'd rebelled against tradition and always openly said I didn't want a mate, and now that I was giving into it, I couldn't even be with him.

"Grace." He sounded sadly. "This isn't something that I asked for, this was something done without my knowledge by my Alpha..."

"So...is that why you are so fine with us only being friends...because that's all we will ever be?" I asked angrily now.

He hung his head before peeking up at me, "I'm trying to find a way out of this marriage Grace, please believe me...I don't know this woman, but I'm sure she doesn't want this just as much as I don't."

"M-Maybe I could talk to my Dad...Maybe he has some answers?" I offered.

He smirked a little, "Does that mean you're ready to tell your Dad about me...and ultimately Us."

I laughed a little, of course as I was having a small mental breakdown at potentially never being with my mate, Auggie would see the romantic side. "Well we have do something before there isn't an US to tell anyone about."

He made a face.

"What?" I asked.

"There's more..."

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