Leather & Lace

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- Augustine's POV-

"Is there anything else...I'm running late." I said as I stood in the pack house office next to two of my brothers as our father and oldest brother spoke to us.

"Augustine this is serious son." Dad sounded angrily. "Rogues are attacking, only one town over...and you want to go dancing?"

My brothers snickered at our Dad's words. I bit my tongue and maintained my cool. "I'm not going dancing...I have a club opening."

"You and your cousin should have never opened that place...it brings disgrace on our family name." My Father added with a shake of his head now.

"How, it's a business...one that might I add pays well, well enough to put me through school when you wouldn't." I threw in.

"I wasn't going to pay to have my son shipped away to take pictures for a living...you are my son, you need to start acting like it."

"How?" I asked, "when you stepped down You got the packs next Alpha in Junior, the packs next Beta in Marco, and the leader of the pack guard in Alfie...what do you need me for?"

Being the youngest of the great Antonio Andolini's four sons wasn't exactly glorious or something I ever asked for.

I didn't have power like my three older brothers, I wasn't held to the same regard as them...I mean sure everyone in town knew me, but it was only because I made it a point to get to know them.

And I knew that is exactly what my father wanted now...me...he needed the people person.

Junior spoke now. "We have a very real threat Augustine, We need the people to know about the severity of the threat of the rogues lingering around our pack...but we also need them to trust that we'll keep them safe."

I smirked. "So then tell them that...not me."

"Augustine." my father scolded me.

"Dad...Junior's the pack Alpha...the people, HIS people need to know him too and not just see him as a glorified figurehead."

"What each of your brothers do is integral to this pack just like you are also integral...you may not feel that you are in a position of power like your siblings because you do not have a title but you are just as important my son."

I knew there was no getting out of this, I would be the one who would have to go out of my way to not only inform the pack of the threat but also blindly assure them that everything would be fine.

Something that I didn't know for certain myself...but something I'd be forced to say...and I knew if I didn't agree, Junior would only order me to do his bidding.

And to keep what little independence I still maintain I'd go along with it.

"Since we're all here...I also wanted to talk to you Dad and Junior...tell you both that I've taken on a teaching job...-"

"Another job...photographer, club owner and now a teacher...you're just a man of many hats aren't you Augustine?" Junior asked a bit humored.

I felt the heat on my neck rising from embarrassment as I tried my best to ignore his comments. "I-It's a photography professor position over at the University in no-man's land."

"That's away from the pack." Marco pointed out.

"Ease up on him." Alfie sounded.

"You have something to add to this Alfredo?" Dad asked.

I looked to my brother, Alfie, to be honest...out of all my siblings, I was the closest to him. Maybe it was because he's closest to me in age, maybe it's because my only "official Pack job" is serving as a pack guard member Under his leadership.

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