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"You know, I know your 'baby' is 'vintage' and all but there are these fun little contraptions called wipers." Auggie teased as I drove on.

"I can still see without them." I said. "You're a horrible passenger seat driver by the way." I added as I noticed the way he was clutching to his seatbelt.

"Not normally... but in this case I can't help but find myself a little terrified."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "The rains letting up already you drama queen...plus, my wipers don't work."


"Calm down, I've done fine this long...I know myself and my car, and I know when to go ahead and drive and when to just wait it out."

"Gracie...that's seriously fucking dangerous." He said with genuine concern and slight anger now.

I rolled my eyes again and drove on, the rain had fully stopped as we passed the sign announcing our arrival into Harmond.

I peeked a glance over at him, "So, my shitty driving aside...you okay?"

He looked at me and I looked back at the road ahead while he spoke.

"Nervous..." He admitted with a small chuckle to attempt to downplay his true nervousness. "I mean I've never officially had to meet a girls parents before, much less my Mate's...and your parents happen to be Alpha and Luna of Harmond so there's that."

I smirked, "You forgot My sister Hope...The Alpha to be...and did I mention my Dad is also a Cop"

I could see him shake his head slightly from my peripherals now, "Not helping much Gracie."

"But All of that aside, at the end of the day they are my family...and don't we just want our family's well being and happiness?" I sounded in an attemp tto esae his worry, "And hey...it could be worse."


I shrugged, and looked over at him now,  "All of my family could be here."

He shook his head and smirked.

"Uh, do you mind if we stop by my place really quick?" I asked now, "It's not like that or anything..." I laughed nervously, "Just...need to get freshened up before heading to dinner."

"No problem...should I bring anything?"

"Nah...Mom will have everything I assured him before turning left to get to my apartment.

As I pulled into my normal spot and got out I felt different, I began to try and remember if I had left the place a mess before I took off this morning, should I go in first to make sure everything is good before letting him come in?

'Too Obvious.'

I had to agree, it would look like I'm trying too hard. Plus if there is a mess, he's got to find out I'm kinda messy sometime.

'Real You.'

I nodded and unlocked my front door.

"Wow, great place." He sounded impressed.

"Thanks...it use to be my Mom's." I said without thinking...I felt kind of embarrassed, I didn't want him to see me as just some girl who can't earn her own way in life...although technically I suppose it is the truth, my parent's do everything for me.

"That's cool, finding a place with rent control's a bitch." He smiled softly.

"Do you want a water or soda or something?" I asked as I made my way into the kitchen, "I'd offer you a beer but again, my Dad being a cop and all...the smell of beer might not go over too well."

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