Night Out

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Sunday night had finally rolled around and I was beyond antsy to spend some time with Auggie this coming week.

Okay so technically we've seen each other in passing a few days throughout the week...but neither of us really approached the other in acknowledgment of "keeping distance" or whatever it was we were doing.

And to be honest we haven't exactly set up any sort of meet-up or anything like that, but something just told me that when I see him next I wouldn't be able to contain myself.

I thought back to the night in my apartment, I don't know how everything went down but for whatever reason I woke up in his arms and needless to say, I was instantly addicted to his touch.

"Ugh, we haven't done anything in ages..." Gigi sounded from the other side of the living room.

Kelly and I looked at her...I mean it was Gigi, the same girl who'd get after us for "partying too much."

"Did you have something in mind?" I asked still a little humored now.

"Well I mean, we did use to go dancing like every weekend." Gigi said knowingly.

I sighed, of course as my closest friends I'd told them every single thing that has happened between Auggie and I so they know all about the contract and us trying to currently be cool and create space between us.

All that said, and they were still trying to push us together.

"Well I mean...Gigi's right, we haven't gone dancing since you and Augustine found each other and I mean he does own a club so let's just go there." Kelly offered.

"You guys know we aren't suppose to see each other until after this weekend." I pointed out.

Kelly rolled her eyes and Gigi shrugged and spoke up, "Well didn't your dad use to say your weekend ended Sunday at sundown back when you had your curfew."

Kelly smiled, "That's, I'm sure your wolf wouldn't oppose to seeing him right now."

'Mate.' She whined.

I knew I was officially out numbered now. "I don't even know what I'm going to wear." I said as I gave into their request to go to my mate's club.


I didn't know how I'd react to seeing him, if he's even here.

'He's here.' My wolf preactically purred. 'Mate'

She directed our vision over to the private parking lot beside the club and I saw him on his phone.

"You coming?" Gigi asked when she noticed I hadn't continued toward the club with them.

"Y-yeah...I promise, I'll meet you both inside."

She and Kelly nodded their understanding and left me alone.

I carefully made my way over to him, watching as he hung up his phone and leaned against his car.

I was only a few feet away from him before he must've picked up my scent and turned to see me.

Seeing his handsome smile fill his face made me move without thinking.

I rushed forward and jumped into his arms, I wrapped my own arms around the back of his neck and placed a kiss on his lips.

That was it...nothing more, just one kiss that let him know how much I had truly missed him, and as he kissed me back I could feel the same emotions spilling from him as well.

He chuckled softly and carefully placed me back on the ground.

"I missed you." I admitted.

He smiled and nodded, " Of course I missed you too, but what are you doing here?"

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