New Roles

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After the introductions were made between Kelly's mate Bobby and Augustine we all sat down at the largest table in the diner. It wasn't super packed, then again it is Monday night, close to 9:30 already.

The three of them ordered meals and Auggie and I just ordered a large chocolate shake and an order of french fries...and of course, not one to keep things from my friends I told them everything that happened tonight.

"I are you really thinking about challenging that bitch?" Kelly asked.

"Kels!" Gigi scolded, "We don't know she's a bitch."

Kelly rolled her eyes, "Uh what kind of psycho goes out and willingly gets engaged...-"

"Betrothed." I corrected her.

"Is there even a difference?" Bobby asked.

"If we were fully human, difference." Augustine filled him in. "But as Weres, if we become engaged it's simply presenting a ring to your significant other with the promise to marry them, you giving them your word basically...whereas becoming betrothed entails a legally binding contract signed off by outsider parties, usually Alphas and the council stating that 2 individuals will marry and mark one another."

"...Ergo, this Corinne chick is a bitch for having herself betrothed to someone who isn't her mate." Kelly continued. "I mean it'd be totally different if this was against her will like Auggie, but that's not the case."

I nodded, "You're right, and that's why I think challenging her may be my only option to get Auggie out of this marriage contract because goddess knows the Alphas are all for it, so none of them will let him out of the contract."

We sat there for a moment just shrouded in silence as no one really knew what to say.

"Well would you challenge her for just your mate, or for her position as well?" Gigi asked.

"Honestly I don't know." I said as I picked up a fry and dipped it into the shake before popping it into my mouth. "To be honest It's kinda confusing because I don't know if I even have grounds to challenge her using the claim that I'm her mother's first born...but anyone can challenge an Alpha or a Luna anytime... I think as much as I wish I didn't have to challenge for her either I may have to challenge her for her position as well as for Auggie."

"Why?" Kelly asked, "You looking forward to becoming Luna?"

I shook my head, "Far from it actually...I can't imagine becoming the Luna of a pack I don't know, People who will more than likely hate me for breaking up a familial line they've known their whole lives." I said.

I sighed and shook my head, "No I don't want to have to become their Luna, But I WILL challenge her for her position because even if I just challenge her for Auggie and I win, her pack could retaliate...this would ensure no one could come between us again."

"So should we get use to calling you Luna Wylde like your Mom and Aunt?" Gigi asked.

"Wait...what would we call Auggie then?" Kelly asked.

"Typically a Luna with power's mate is called the Alpha Consort." I said. "But...their pack is only run by men, so if I won the challenge and Auggie and I do get to be together he would become the packs Alpha."

"Well that sounds like bullshit." Bobby put in.

Auggie nodded, "It is bullshit, which is why if we did find ourselves in that situation my first act as the newly appointed Alpha would be to allow females to rule the pack...-"

"But let's pump the brakes on all of this." I said feeling a little overwhelmed with all of stomach was in knots and something about this whole night seemed off or something and I hated that we were just so casually discussing this over fries in the diner.

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