College Girl

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"Smile." The overly enthusiatic woman sounded behind the camera.

I smirked at best and she snapped the picture.

"Aren't you excited Gracie?" Mom asked, "You're officially a college girl."

I offered her a small smile. "It's kinda I should've been done or on my last year here already...I feel like I'm going to be the oldest student in class.

She shook her head, "Yes there will be younger students around you...but you'll also find many people your age as well as some even older, there's no limit for knowledge sweetie ."

I knew she was doing her best to try and assure me I had nothing to worry about.

"But more than all of that, don't focus on everyone else...focus on Grace and only Grace, and take pride in your small the fact that you are officially a college girl!"

I couldn't help but smile at her and her excitment now.

"Thanks Mom."

"Come on, lets go and grab a coffee in the quad." She sounded.

"I'm pretty sure no one calls it a quad anymore mom."

She gave me an appauled look " act like i'm so old." She said as she tired to hide her smile.

I shrugged nonchalantly and hid my own humor, "Well you do have a college girl." I sounded excitedly now.

She smiled but then tried to swat at my butt after insinuating that she's old. "All jokes aside...I am so proud of you Baby."

I hugged her, "I'm kinda proud of me lets just see if I don't...-"

She pulled back ready to scold me if I cussed.

I smirked, "...let's see if I don't mess this up."

"I have every faith in you Gracie...and I won't say anything to your father or your sister, this is your victory to share."

"The victory will be if I actually finish and graduate...but I guess it really wouldn't hurt if I just went ahead and told them."

"Tonight over dinner?" She suggested.

I smirked once again, "Sure mom."

After that we went back to the pack house and I told my mom I'd see her later as I knew she had a meeting at work she needed to get to.

I got back to my apartment and found Gigi barely getting up and Kelly rummaging in my kitchen."Hey thanks for letting me crash." Gigi sounded.

I waved her words away to tell her it was no big deal.

"Kels...what are you doing in my kitchen?"

"Bobby drank all of my milk last time he came over and I haven't gone to the store." She said as she walked out eating a bowl of cereal.

I smiled but shook my head.

"Hey...Where'd you disappear to this morning?" Gigi asked as she put her hair up.

"I know, I was surprised you were up at the ass crack of dawn." Kelly put in.

I shook my head and put my prse down. "Had to meet up with my mom...uh, she took me to enroll over at the University."

"Shut the hell up." Kelly laughed, "The Wylde child is a Uni-chick."

"Freshman and proud," I said as I held out my new student ID, "I start Next week."

"That's great Gracie!" Gigi sounded before she hugged me.

"No...I know you...what are you trying to get from your parents?" Kelly asked suspiciously.

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