The End

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I walked home from school with my little sister and asked her about her day.

"It was alright." Hope sighed, "kinda failed my math test...can you not tell mom?"

I nodded, I had to admit that I've always felt a little bad for my younger sister.

Our parents have always been big on our education and it doesn't help that they themselves are extremely smart. Of course being the oldest I've always had the added pressure to study hard and make the best grades possible, I have to be the example for everyone else because one day I will be the leader of the pack.

It seems like a lot, but it's all I've ever known.

For as far back as I can remember my mom and dad ran this pack, and growing up I've constantly heard how I'd run things one day, how I'd be the best Luna.

And that's why I push so hard, to be the best.

I sighed, " know Dad's gonna chew your head off...if you want, I can always tutor you." I offered.

She shook her head, "you've got enough to deal with I heard mom and dad talking about your upcoming party."

Once again I nodded only this time I smiled. "I can't wait!"

"Aren't you nervous ?" She asked.

I shrugged, "Well I mean yeah...means I'm not a kid anymore, and all this Luna stuff becomes like a thousand times more real."

Although to be honest I didn't know how much more real it could get, our parent's had been "grooming" me to be the best Alpha female that I could be basically my whole life...but for the past few years the "grooming' became more hands on so to speak.

I've been training with my dad physically for my first shift. He'd have me run, work out my muscles, push me beyond my limits. 'When you feel like you have nothing left to give, you have to dig deeper and find that strength...that's where your wolf comes in.' Dad's words rang through my head.

And on the opposite end, with my mom...I learned how to remain poised in tough situations, keep a level head, be patient, listen, and show interest (even if I am faking it most of the time).

But by the end of the week I will be turning 17 and I will finally go through my first shift...and according to my parents, that's when the real training into becoming the next Alpha Female begins.

"Sounds intense." She said and I knew she was bored with the topic altogether.

Hope and I continued onward, and when we finally got home I went straight up to my room and started on my homework as I knew I wouldn't have time to do it later.

An hour passed and I had finally finished before I went to find my sister.

"Hey Hope, you done with your homework so I can make you a snack or something?"

While mom and dad worked it was my job to take care of my sister and make sure she basically didn't burn down the house trying to cook for herself before one of them got home.

She shook her head. "Haven't even started yet, but I'll get it done, I promise."

I sighed, "Hope...why put it off, just get started and I'll make you some popcorn."

She rolled her eyes, "fine."

I went into the kitchen and began prepping our snack and even picked out a movie for us to watch together, it didn't take her nearly as long to get her homework finished as I thought it'd take. The truth is Hope is brilliant, but she's lazy.

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