Lakeside pt 1

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-Auggie's POV-

"Your pack lands have been patrolled and cleared of any threats." Alpha Marshall said out to the packs, "So I am happy to say we've been given the green light to allow you all to return home if you wish...and for those of you who may find more comfort in remaining away for a while longer please feel free to do so as Alpha Dylan and myself gladly open our lands to you all."

I nodded but stepped forward now, "Lakeside is my home, the only one I've ever known ...and as the newest Alpha of Lakeside I personally will be going back home...I ask you all to join me but understand if you don't, please don't feel like anyone will hold anything against you for staying on either Alpha Marshall's or Alpha Dylan's lands either as I understand the uncertainty of the situation still lingering in the air."

I looked out to the familiar faces of the pack members.

These were the same people I'd talk to on the streets in passing, or stood in line to grab a coffee with...the ones who I'd mingled with at the pack parties, or sat next to in the stand at various football and basketball games... The same people who let me into their homes as their children shifted and I personally took documentation of our newest pack members...helping talk them through that first shift and always assuring them they'd be alright and welcoming them to our pack as newly shifted members.

"...That being said, I want to make myself as accessible as possible to you all and will be staying at the pack house alongside our Guest Miss Grace Wylde...please, I desperately implore all of you to reach out to either of us if you need to talk, or vent, or even if you just need a shoulder to cry on...and for those of you who just simply do not wish to be alone please remember that the pack house is and always will be open to all of you."

I looked at Rosie and continued, "Now as much as we love our dear Rosie...I think it would be best if my sister in law stay here on her family's pack lands for her own health as well as the baby's...we have to remember, that her little one is the only future of our pack right now."

And it was the truth.

"So while she may be here I know if you all feel you can't speak to Miss Wylde or myself then Rosie will have no aversions to you all paying her a visit."

"Absolutely, since I'll be here just boredly laying around anyways." She said.

I knew she wouldn't be too thrilled with my sudden decision, but I really was thinking of her and the baby's best interests...and being back in her and Alfie's was too heartbreaking to think about.

I shook the sad thought from my head while everyone else chuckled at her lighthearted jab about laying around bored.

And with that everyone was released to go their separate ways, only a few older individuals choosing to remain in Red Marsh for the evening.

Grace hugged her father goodbye.

"Alpha Wylde you're more than welcome to stay the's kind of a drive back and it's pretty late." Alpha Marshall offered.

He shook his head, "Thank you, really...but I know my wife will be expecting me back." He said before he shook his hand and turned to tell us bye now.

"Pack allies or not, I'm only one call away, so please don't be too proud to ask for help from any of us." he said to me before he actually pulled me into a fatherly sort of hug.

"Thank you." I said before he turned to tell his daughter goodbye once more.

"Sorry Rosie," I said as I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Stop." She said, "None of that right now...I know why I should stay here, and you know where to find me if you need me."

"If you need anything...-"

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