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I woke up with a start as I heard a loud crack of thunder pierced through the night followed immediately by everything in the apartment instantly shutting off.

I sat up knowing that if I had been pulled from my sleep, Auggie would've heard the same thing and the last thing I needed was for him to rush in here trying to be the hero, not in here...not my mate in the same room as my bed.

My wolf immediately awoke to the tempting thoughts.

A string of intimate thoughts ran through my head before I shook them away and got up.

Without so much as grabbing my phone I made my way down the hall but realized that the whole apartment was silent.

Curious I lightly knocked on the door for the guest bedroom, "Auggie?" I sounded softly knowing he's a fully shifted Were and he'd hear me if the storm had awoken him as well.

But when I got no response I began to freak out a little, what if he took off after I went to sleep?

In a panic I opened the door and even in the pitch black I could clearly see Auggie laying on his side, fully uncovered, his arm draped easily just above his hip while the other lay tucked beneath his asleep.

"You've got to be kidding me." I sounded in awe, "how could anybody sleep through this?"

'Mate is comfortable at home with us.'

I ignored her, and another sound of thunder ripped through the sky and caused the windows to rumble...and Auggie didn't even budge.

As fir me, fully shifted Were or not, I couldn't hide the fact that my heart was now racing from the thunder and lightning. I didn't know what to do? Clearly Auggie was alright, sleeping soundly even...but I knew I didn't want to be awake alone, not with the storm.

As he was laying to the far side of the bed facing the door I knew I didn't want to scare him so I wouldn't go behind him...instead I'd have to be where he could see me, so I walked over to the untouched side of the bed and called out to him.

"Auggie." I said softly so as not to startle him.

Nothing...not even the slightest budge.

'If thunder can't wake him, you think that will?' My wolf asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and knew she was right, I tried once again, this time using my normal tone of voice, "Auggie."

Still nothing.

'Mate will wake for our touch.'

I could feel her enthusiasm now, and suffice it to say...I somewhat expected that I'd have to physically wake him.

I let out a nervous sigh, while my wolf may be all amped and ready to go with Auggie, in the forefront of my mind I knew that while he's my mate, he belongs to someone else. And until we can get him out of his contract I can't exactly be with him in the way mates would normally be together.

'So you do want to be with mate.'

"It doesn't matter right now." I growled.

I sighed once again and composed myself as I knew I'd have to get onto the bed to reach him. I carefully got onto the bed, trying to make as little movement as possible so as not to wake him, which was redundant as I was actually trying to wake him up in the first place.

I shook my head at how weird as I was being and just crawled over to him.

I looked at his sleeping face, He somehow even more handsome in his sleep I couldn't help but smile.

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