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-Auggie's POV-

I smiled and nodded, "I will always stand by your side now Gracie, and I know if the roles were reversed you'd do the same for me."

She looked up at me, her pretty face one of ease right now as she smiled...a smile just for me. "No questions asked."

I adored this woman...even dealing with her own shit she still had a way of putting me and my wolf at ease and making us feel better about everything.

We finally got up to leave and I moved to pull out my wallet to pay for our order when someone suddenly rushed into the dinner.

My wolf reacted before I could even think, in an instant I had stepped in front of Gracie to face whatever threat rushed into this small establishment...I was ready to fight whoever the hell threatened this place, my pack or not.

But as I looked closer my wolf dropped it's defensive edge, 'Rosie'

I rolled my eyes, go figure Junior would stoop so low to ask others to bring me home...he knows I'm close with Alfie, and since he's probably on patrols he'd go with Rosie instead.

"I knew you'd be here with this bitch!" She yelled, pissed off.

"Don't you fucking call her that!" I growled. I was all but prepared to tell her she'd come all the way over here for nothing and to just leave, but my wolf grew worried.

'Look at Rosie'

And even though I'd already seen it was her, I actually looked at her like my wolf suggested.

Her clothes or what was left of it was in shreds...her hair was wild, tear stains streaked her darkened face.

My heart began to race.

Suddenly Grace stepped forward, more than likely feeling threatened by an outsider barging in here, "You have a lot of fucking nerve coming over here to my pack lands."

I paid more attention to my sister in law and saw she was shaking, "Gracie...stop."

I don't know what the hell was happening but I was now kind of scared of whatever answer she'd give, "R-Rosie...what's going on?"

She opened her mouth to speak but all that came out were her sobs, I stepped forward and took her in my arms, I was worried about her and the baby...and where the hell was Alfie?

"The rogues, they came and hit The Banks...there were so many of them, they started a fire in Bay Ridge Pack...Augustine, I've never seen anything like it...I-I think they were targeting your family."


"M-my brothers...?" I asked with shaky words as I dropped my arms and looked down at her now.

Rosie shook her head sadly, "they're gone...they got your Dad and Junior first, they were coming back from a meeting with your betrothed's pack...Marco was headed to the meet up with...Alfie...t-the rogues used Juniors phone to call up your brothers and tell them they had...killed them."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I only know because Alfie and I share our own connection, I could hear everything...I...I-I heard as he drew his last breath."

I was frozen.

I couldn't move, I couldn't think...

Rosie stood there crying.

"A-and what of our sisters in law...or the girls?"

She shook her head once again, "I couldn't find one knew where you were either or if you were even still alive...I acted as the leader though and asked everyone to run to my Dad's pack, that's where I was when the attack happened."

"Thankfully you're safe..." I sighed.

"Are we?" She asked. "We've got to I said everyone's over with my Dad, but you know the Red Marsh pack isn't very large and our pack needs guidance right now..."

Her words made sense and yet I could hardly understand them.

Of course the people needed to know they're safe. They also need to be home, back in our own pack. But the number one thing is making sure everyone is together and safe.


I stood rooted in my spot, I was still trying to take everything in. Every single worry and fear was playing through my head.

'No time for that now.'

"Augustine..." Rosie sighed frustrated now, "We have to go Alpha."

And that's what pulled me out of my inner turmoil.

I didn't have time to grieve for my lost family members...not when there were pack members still unsure and scared and possibly still in danger.

"Alpha?" Gravies voice cut through my inner thoughts.

I turned and saw her...Worry etched her gorgeous face now and as much as I wanted to reassure her everything would be fine, right now I was more than unsure about everything.


All I wanted was to be in bed with her, holding her like I did last night, stroking her back until her breath evened out and she slept peacefully.

I wanted to be selfish and disappear with her, keep her from harm and make sure she was happy again.

But I couldn't do any of that.

"I have to go."

"Then I'm coming with you." She countered.

"Gracie it isn't safe."

"I wasn't asking for permission Auggie, people need help and I'll help them in any way I I'm your mate, I'm not leaving your side, especially now."

"Please, just go back to your pack house, at least I'd know you're safe with your father." I pleaded now.

"We don't have time for this." Rosie growled.

"My dad is going to Red Marsh Pack to check on them as they're allies of ours...and like your sister in law said, we don't have time to stand here and argue...we have to go."

And with that I watched as my mate joined my sister in law and the two walked out of the diner together.

I quickly paid and joined the girls who waited for me by the car.

I watched as Grace held her eyes closed, I knew she'd be getting a message from her Alpha and as soon as her eyes opened she looked at us.

"My dads ordering our pack members to stay inside...he told them about the attacks as well." She said through gritted teeth.

"What's wrong,?"

"I'm currently outside after being ordered to get inside." She growled, "so open the damn doors so I can get in please."

I understood, and quickly unlocked the car, we all got in and took off.

"Are you alright?" I asked as I took her hand in mine and drove on.

She nodded and let out a deep breath, "technically my wolf knows we're inside of the car so we aren't breaking my dads orders..."

I looked back at Rosie, she looked so lost, tears still falling she'd all but given up on trying to stop them now.

"Do you have a plan?" Grace asked me.

I looked at her and shook my head, "I don't, and that scares the hell out of me."

She stroked the back of my hand with her thumb, "we'll figure it all out, and I'm sure you'll know what to do once we actually get there."

I nodded, "both of you hang tight, I'm gonna try and get there a little sooner."

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