Sleeping Together

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-Auggie's POV-

I was sleeping pretty good when my wolf awoke and began nagging at me to also wake up. I just wanted to rest, but I knew if he was nagging it more than likely had something to do Gracie and I opened my eyes...I didn't have to look far and immediately saw her, Gracie.

She was sound asleep as the harshest parts of the storm seemed to pass us by already.

I sighed contently.

I could feel in my eyes that I hadn't had nearly enough sleep yet, and knew I only woke up because my wolf wanted me to check on our mate since he now knows that she is scared of thunderstorms, no matter how much she tried to deny it.

But I didn't mind losing  a little sleep to make sure she was fine...and I smiled to know she felt even a little more comfortable, enough to go back to sleep.

And maybe it was do to the fact that I was near her...but I had a bigger suspicion that it was because sometime in our sleep we had reached out for one another.

I knew if we stayed in that position one if not both of our arms would stiffen and ache the next day. So we unfortunately had to let go of our hands holding session...But I also realized that if I just suddenly took my touch away her wolf would feel rejected and be upset with me...I had to be careful and take my hand aay slowly.

I hated the thought of breaking away from the comforting feeling you get from touching your mate. I stroked her hand with my thumb and smiled as my slight movement seemed to intensify the feeling.

And as amazing as it is to touch your mate's hand...I wished I could hold her, kiss her. I sighed and moved my hand away from hers carefully before I laid on my back now, I knew we weren't there yet...and sadly, who knows if we ever would be?

For a minute I just laid there, eyes closed as I tried to get back to sleep.


I sighed, I knew he wanted her touch again, but I couldn't indulge in her touch when I knew I'd only be leading her on (even if she's asleep).


Then as if he had called to her I noticed she began to stir a bit. I was comfortable and I watched as she moved a bit...this way, that way...her eyes remained closed, she was still technically asleep...or faking.

I smirked at the thought of her faking, But as I watch her inch closer and closer to me I knew she had to be asleep, for as Hardheaded and hellbent on taking things slow between us as Gracie was...I knew there was no way she'd actively seek out my touch like she was right now, not if she was awake.

She had scooted herself off of her pillow and I watched as every now and then she'd begin making her way over to me like a funny little wind up toy.

I let out  light sigh, I knew I was playing with fire and at the risk of being caught and waking her up I reached up and grabbed her pillow. I put it right next to mine before I leaned over and reached out for her.

I sincerely was glad for her slick hardwood floors. Granted they weren't the most comfortable to sleep on, but it made pulling her over to me a whole lot easier.

I was more than mindful to handle her carefully and gently as I lifted her head back onto the pillow. I let out a sigh of relief as I had managed to get her right next to me without waking her up.

Her words replayed themselves and made me smirk 'I'm a light sleeper.'

Yeah except it turns out my touch seemed to lull her into a deeper sleep, where her touch seems to pull me out of a deep sleep.

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