The Truth

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"Well I have to say I was actually impressed." Gigi said as we all drove over to Kelly's house.

"Yeah it had a good vibe, very chill and the DJ was really good." Kels put in.

I only nodded.

Gigi agreed, "And Gio is amazing...those drinks..."

" okay doll?" Kelly asked.

"Oh...yeah...I think I just had to get out of there, sorry for making you guys leave with me...I should've just got a car to pick me up or something."

"Oh Please..." Gigi scoffed, "As if we'd let you leave alone...we don't do that Gracie."

I nodded, "Thanks."

"But you're feeling better?" Kelly asked.

I shrugged, "I don' t really much as I wanted to run out of there my wolf is kinda pissed we just left."

Kelly smiled, "The Wylde Child's, Wild Wolf."

I rolled my eyes, "No more Wylde Child remember..."

We all made it to Kelly's house, the girls got into nightshirts while I only got back into the outfit I'd come over in.

"You not spending the night?" Gigi asked.

"No...I'm just gonna head home...but I love you guys and thanks for always having my back." I said before I hugged both of them and took off.

But as I drove, I passed my apartments and knew I wasn't going to my place...I was going Home. Home...back to the pack house.

Knowing it's the pack house, I didn't need a key as my parents kept the place unlocked for anyone who needed a place to stay...and apparently tonight, that was me.

I walked in fully expecting my parents to be knocked out by now, I was genuiniely surprised to see my Dad walking into the kitchen.

"Gracie?" He sounded worried. "What's wrong princess?"

I shook my head, "Nothing Dad...I just found myself driving over here."

He nodded, "Well come in...Mom and Hope are asleep already but make yourself comfortable."

I smirked and kicked my shoes off, "got anymore dessert left?"

He shook his head, "Your sister is a heathen and ate it all...I'm pretty sure she did it to spite me because I kept her from going out."

I felt bad. "Dad...I shouldn't have said anything earlier, it isn't my place...-"

"No, you were right." He said as he pulled out some ice cream and then handed me a spoon. "And Im glad you said something...truth is your mom and I were harder on you...we expected a lot out of you."

We helped ourselves to the ice cream straight out of the carton...something mom would kill us for if she found out.

This small moment was nice...but my Dad's words lingered in my mind.

"Hey Dad..." I sounded nervously now. "C-can I ask you something?"

He looked over at me and nodded "You can always ask me anything princess."

The sound of my childhood nickname made this even harder.

" something I've been wondering lately...Are you disappointed...-?"

"With you?" He asked.

I kept my eyes down out of shame and nodded.

He sighed, "Grace," He sounded to get me to look up at him. "You are the first real love of my life Princess, and I could NEVER be disappointed of I will admit that I am disappointed in some of the choices you've made in life...but in the same respect, it is YOUR life, and YOUR choices to make and I could never fault you for living your life how you see fit."

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