Step One: Acceptance

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-Augustine's POV-

"No." I said.

"It wasn't a question Bro." Alfie said. "Junior told me to tell you that we're coming to your opening show our support."

The rest of the week went by and nothing had changed. My family were still pricks making marry someone who wasn't my mate, my mate clearly still wants nothing to do with me otherwise I'm sure she'd of come to try and see me. And I refuse to push her away further by going over to Harmond to see her.

"I'm sure." I sounded sarcastically. "More like he wants to see if my mate will be there and try and get us to reject one another, or make her feel like shit so she won't talk to me ever again."

Alfie sighed, "You know he feels horrible about the whole thing."

"Then he shouldn't have done that shit to begin with." I growled, "If he felt so ducking horrible why hasn't he called the whole thing off?" I asked and shook my head "I don't feel sorry for him, he's trying to play both roles of sympathetic brother and almighty Alpha...Nah, fuck know who I feel sorry for?" I asked.

Algiers shook his head with uncertainty.

"Whoever it is Junior wants me to marry, and I feel sorry for my mate, and yeah, I feel sorry for myself...I've been trying to find a loophole to get out of this fucking contract, but it's air tight...worse...if The girl or I refuse to marry we're immediately kicked out of our previous packs and marked as rogues."

I could see he didn't know what to say.

"I fucking hate Junior and I will never forgive him for doing this shit...and when I do have to actually get married, I moving far the fuck away from here and none of you will know where we've gone."

"If you're so damn hell-bent on being so fucking petty and want nothing to do with the pack then why even go through with the marriage?" He asked confused. "Just be with your mate like you want and you won't have to worry about being a part of the pack anymore."

I rolled my eyes, Alfie was strong...the strongest Were I know hands down...but he was an idiot.

"Because if I don't marry this girl we'll be marked rogues...rogues don't have a pack to protect them, homes to live in, hell they don't even have one place to can call home...they travel and fight and steal...why would I want to subject anyone to that?" I asked. "No I'll marry her because this isn't her fault anymore than it's mine...but then we'll move...I'll make sure it's a pack far from here, where she'll be safe and free from this family as well as her own fucked up family."

" don't know they're fucked up." He tried to put in.

"Any family willing to just signed up their family members to be married off when they know they have a mate out there somewhere is fucked up, hell, even if they didn't have mates out should be their choice who they marry, when they marry, or if they even want to yeah, pretty fucked up in my book."

He sighed, " I know your pissed man...but nothing we can do now...and If I were you, I'd call up your mate and tell her not to come tonight.

Too bad I didn't have to call my mate and tell her not to come. I know with everything in me that she will NOT be going to the club tonight.


-Grace's POV-

"No, I will not go to the club tonight." I said with finiality this time.

Gigi and Kelly were all dressed and ready to go and really trying to convince me to join them.

"C'mon Gracie've been doing this purge thing all week and we get that you're trying to be more responsible or whatever...but we didn't know you meant getting rid of us too." Kelly sounded genuinely hurt.

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