Too Soon

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-Auggie's POV-

I didn't know what the hell was going on, and honestly right now wasn't exactly the best time for games.

I stood up there and shook Alpha Dylan's hand and then did the same with Gracie...I acted alongside them, pretending to be meeting them for the first time.

As Grace now stood next to me I just wanted to lean over and ask her what was going on but I picked up on her body language...poised, unmoving, extreme concentration...whatever was going on she was really trying to sell it.

But as alpha Marshall spoke up she moved away from me once again and rejoined her father like a dutiful daughter.

I noticed her head turn a little towards me and her eyes looked over in my direction now, I smiled and she quickly turned her gaze back toward the crowd, a light blush dusting her cheeks now.

Try as they might to put on whatever charade this was...there was no denying how much she and I affected each other...for example, try as I might; I just couldn't keep my eyes off of her for very long.

I listened on as my sister in law offered hers and Gracie's services to both packs as well.

"Once we hear back from the guards out patrolling Lakeside then we'll get you all back home...until then try and relax some, theres plenty of food and drinks in the kitchen." Alpha Marshall said before dismissing everyone and showing our group back into the office.

And once the door was closed securely behind  us I quickly spoke up. "Anyone mind telling me with in the hell is going on?"

Gracie stepped over to my side and took my hand into hers."We think it's for the best if the pack thinks tonight is the first night we've met..."

"You saw how I reacted at that diner..." Rosie said now, "For Grace's safety and both of your ease of mind...this may be what's for the best, at least for the time being."

I wanted to disagree with her, but my wolf stopped me.

'We have to keep Mate safe.'

I sighed, Rosie made a point, "As mates we're going to want to be around each other...if we're strangers she can't exactly just stroll into our pack lands, I mean no offense or anything, but Lakeside and Harmon aren't exactly allies." I pointed out.

"We also aren't enemies." Dylan put in.

" far as anyone is concerned Gracie has offered to assist me in consoling and helping pack members, something that will require her to be in town, maybe even stay at the pack house as a personal pack guest." Rosie added smartly.

I nodded, as much as I didn't want to have to keep my distance from my own mate I knew how  quickly people could turn under extreme duress.

"What if this backfires?" Gracie asked with worry now.

I shook my head and pulled her into a hug... "it may be too soon to let everyone know about us just yet, but I'm sure in the next couple of days or weeks people will begin to see us interacting and yes they may even have their suspicions about us, but by then it would be seen as a guy and a girl finding their mate in one another, brought together by tragedy...but by then most of them will like you as much as I do."

"Which brings up my next concern." Dylan Wylde said.

I could pick up on his uneasiness now.

He sighed, "Look Augustine, We all acknowledge you as the new Alpha and no doubt the council will as with the Alpha title I know you now have the power to call off your engagement."

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