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"I'm gonna go to my room and shower so j-just make yourself comfortable and I'll be out in a jiff." I said and internally groaned who in the hell says be out in a jiff?

'Apparently you do now.'

I ignored her and lead the way.

"This will be your room, again it should be fully stocked but if you need something you can find me down the hall, uh just knock and I should answer."

"Hey...if you're not comfortable with me here I really can call a car." He tried to offer.

I let out a sigh, "no I'm just...spazzing out because honestly I've never had a guy stay here...but let's get showered and then we can talk."

He nodded and made his way into the room before I continued on my way to my own room.

Of course as I entered my room I found my phone ringing, I rushed over to see it was my dad.


"Grace, where were you, I've tried to call you every since you left." He sounded frustrated.

"Sorry I just got home.

"Well I'm glad to hear your safe." He said with a sigh, "you should probably call Augustine and tell him wherever he is, he should pull off the road and try getting a room...this storm is only going to get worse."

"Uh...Augustine is here with me."

"What?!" He growled. "No...he cannot stay there."

"Is that an order?" I growled in return.

'Calm yourself.' My wolf reminded me.

"Dad..." I tried more calmly now. "I don't feel comfortable letting him go out in this storm, not to mention that I drove us over here to Harmond so I'd have to drive him to no mans land and then come back home."

I gave him a moment to let everything sink in.

"'s mom's old know the place has two rooms, you don't even have to order me to stay away from him while he's here...we don't even know each other that well yet."

"And that's what worries me." He sighed. "You don't know that he won't try anything."

"The one thing I DO know is he IS my mate, and as my mate he will do as I ask and won't hurt me." I tried to reassure him. "I wish you would trust me."

This time I couldn't hide the hurt in my words.

"Gracie Princess...this is all new to me, you've always been mine and now you are somebody else's."

I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Dad I'm still your daughter...nothing can change that you crazy old man..."

He chuckled.

"You act like I'm going to run off and just never see you or Mom again...I only just met Auggie and we're still trying to figure everything out."

"Auggie?" He sounded and sighed, "I didn't miss the fact that he called you Gracie earlier."

"Everyone close to me does."

"But Auggie?" He asked.

I smiled and felt the small blush on my cheeks, "I like it better than Augustine."

He sighed a little, "Well, be smart and be safe...I love you princess."

"I love you too Dad."

After that I rushed into the shower knowing Auggie would more than likely be finishing up already.

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