Step Two: Acknowledge

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-Augustine's POV-

"Thanks, is it odd to admit I'm nervous?" I asked as the Chancellor walked me to my new class.

"Not at all Professor...being an educator isn't for the faint of heart, but You will be just fine...You've taught the scariest of them all...teenagers."

I polietely chuckled, "I have."

"And have I said how much of an honor it is to have you working here now."

"The honor is this it?" I asked as we approached my new classroom.

She smiled and nodded, "It is..."

"Well, thank you."

"Of course." She almost purred now.

I smiled and let myself into the croom thinking she'd walk away...but she didn't. She followed right behind me now.

"Obviously this is the classroom, and over to the left of the board there is your office...and at the very back of the room...that door leads down to your developing room."

"Thank you so much." I repeated as poiletely as I could.

"Do you have any questions for me?" She asked.

"Uh...none that I can think of personally..." but I didn't want her to think I wasn't taking being a professor here seriously so I needed to ask something. "Well, any ground rules I should keep in mind?"

She shrugged, "oh, well theres the obvious ones, no drugs or alcohol on campus...although there is a group of us that do get together on Wednesday Nights to have a a couple of drinks at a local pub.

"Doesn't that cross those student teacher lines if you are all at the same pub having drinks?"

"It's a little different for college...we've got to remember our students are for the most part Adults....and so long as you remember your good morals and ethics...don't go inviting a group of students out for drinks, but if they're there already and you show up, then not so much of a biggie."

I nodded.

"Same goes for relationships, we don't care for our professors to seek out relationships with students...but we know it happens and on the flipside of the coin sometimes student/professor relationships happen before they meet in you in a relationship Professor Andolini?"

I honestly wasn't expecting her to be so brash as to just ask me like that. But I didn't want to say no and give her flirtations false hope, and I also couldn't say yes as I didn't know what the hell was going on with my life right now so I went for a answer that she could interpret however She'd choose.

"Oh...I have a Mate."

"An Alpha's Daughter I presume." I didn't miss the hint of condescension in her tone now.

I smiled. "Actually, yeah...anyways I've taken up too much of your time, thank you so much for being so helpful to me but I should really let you get going and start getting ready for my first class."

"Oh...Anytime Professor Andolini."

I gave her a smile and shook her hand and then personally walked her out of my new class, shaking my head as I finally closed the door behind her. I walked around the room and familiarized myself with the space, then went over to the back of the room to take a peek at the dark room.

After that I put my stuff down in the office, It was bare...I'd have to make a point to decorate it later, right now I needed to get my lectures finalized for the day.

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