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-Auggie's POV-

I stood in Grace's bedroom, fully clothed...just listening.

I heard everything Grace had said...and while I wanted to be excited that she wanted us as her mate, and that she'd fully accepted us as her mate in every way...I couldn't help but feel like shit.

I am her mate and yet I'm already doing a shit job of it.

I should have figured out a way out of this...maybe I can marry the girl on our own terms and then we can get a divorce or even better...if I could meet her, maybe I could convince her of backing out of this.

'No Good.'

I knew my wolf was right...it was no use...if I couldn't back out of this I knew damn well she couldn't either...and no doubt they've already come up with some heavily detailed contract so once we are married that will more than likely be us sign, sealing, and delivering it to them.

I stood there and shook my head.

I began to wonder, what if I married Grace first? I mean is that even an option?

'Won't work.'

I sighed.

I couldn't let her risk her own life challenging someone for me as I just stand by and do nothing to be with her...there had to be something I could do.

Suddenly Grace walked into her room, she looked at me and smiled.

"Hey." She sounded sweetly.

I smiled, "...so the rain's cleared."

She nodded, "Yeah, I'll get changed and take you back."

I walked over to her, I could see she was hurt. I risked upsetting her further by taking her hands into my own. She looked down at our hands and I sighed, "I'm sorry that you're going through this because of me Gracie...I'll figure something out, I promise."

She looked up at me and her eyes were full of sadness.

My heart broke.

"My Aunt thinks it would be smart if we stayed away from each other for a while...give our wolves some time apart, says it will hurt a lot less."

"I know this isn't something that I want to do, but maybe we should at least try it."

"This isn't something I want either." She sounded a little defensively.

I reached up and took her face into my hands carefully, "Hey I promise it wouldn't be for longer than the res of this week...trust me, I don't think I can stay away from you for much longer than that now...but at least we can say we tried."

She gave me a smile, "Just this week then?"

I nodded, "Gonna be hard to get rid of me now that you let me sleep over at your place."

She rolled her eyes and a much more eased smiled spread across her face, "Yeah more like took pity on you."

"I should let you get dressed." I said letting go of her face now and looking down at the short shorts she'd put on last night.

Her face flushed with a warm pink.

I smirked and let myself out of the room, and upon doing so I found that her Aunt had gone.

I looked back at Grace's bedroom door and sighed, I honestly didn't know how I was going to survive not seeing her this weekend...just standing here in her living room knowing she's in the other room was already agitating my wolf. He wanted to be with his mate and I had to remind him that being close to her is only going to hurt her in the long run.

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