Sleep Over

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After the awkwardly silent ride back to my pack we finally pulled up to my apartment. I looked at the clock on his dashboard and felt like shit, it was already going on 4 in the morning (as we'd stayed at the club after closing, talked at his house and then drove all the way back to Harmond) and as much as I may want to be alone to think things through right now, I knew I didn't want Auggie driving back home this late.

"At the risk of sounding like a brat right now..." I offered as lightheartedly as I could, "Will you stay with me?"

I knew if I was just going to ask him to stay the night with me I could've damn well just stayed at his place...but there was something about being at my own place, in my own pack that made things easier for me.

"You hardly have to ask Gracie...and you don't sound like a brat."

"I-I just don't want you driving back this late." I offered.

He smirked, "So that's the ONLY reason you're asking me to stay?"

I resisted the urge to smile, "That I can think of at the moment." I said as I got out of his car and made my way up to my apartment knowing he'd soon follow behind me.

Once inside the familiar space I let out a deep breath and relaxed a bit, soon his hands were on my hips as he held me from behind.

We stood there for a moment, just him silently hugging me from behind while I wrapped my arms over his. I couldn't help but close my eyes and smile at this perfectly peaceful moment.

He kissed the back of my head and sighed heavily, "I'm sorry if I upset you was never my intention...-"

"I know." I said as I opened my eyes. "It's just a lot." I said before stepping out of his hold and making my way to my bedroom. I could somehow feel his hesitation to follow me now and I stopped and turned around, "Let's go to bed." I said as I held my hand out to him now.

I could see he wanted to be happy about the small gesture, but he held his emotions back as he nodded and simply took my hand.

Together we made our way into the bedroom and I immediately stepped out of my shoes before I grabbed my usual sleepwear, "Uh...sleep however you're most comfortable, all I ask is don't be a weirdo and wear socks to bed."

He smiled and shook his head, "Never...only lunatics wear socks to sleep."

I smiled and nodded my agreement before I went into my bathroom and got changed. When I walked back into the bedroom I found him already laying in the bed, I could see he had opted to take his top off, then I wondered, "what if he sleeps naked?"

My wolf seemed to wake up at the thought now. 'Mate.'

"Don't worry...I'm not naked." He smirked as he watched me stare at him, "Unless you want me to be."

I rolled my eyes in an attempt to seem unfazed and also quash my growing lust, "I was going to say that's my spot."

His smile stretched further, "Okay then."

Then instead of simply scooting to the other side of the bed, he pulled the covers back, got out of bed, giving me full view of his body in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs that hugged his lower portion nicely before he got back into bed and smiled, "There...happy?"

I couldn't hold my own smile back now, "Very." I moved and got into the bed now and laid right beside him.

"I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record here Gracie...but I'm really sorry I brought up Cor...-"

"Don't..." I cut him off immediately, my emotions getting the better of me now as my eyes pricked with the threat of tears.

I hate that I'm so fucking emotional now.

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