Young, Wylde, & Free

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I woke up close to noon and groaned as I knew I would have to meet with my parents, too bad I was already close to two hours late.

I looked around my room and decided at some point this week I really needed to do my laundry.

I went over to my pile of clean but rejected items of clothing from earlier in the week and settled on a deep maroon velvet skater dress.

After a quick shower I reapplied my make up and headed out the door to meet up with my parents, it was Sunday and therefore as the daughter of the Alpha and Luna I had to stand next to them as they addressed the pack...Even though technically it'd be long over by the time I arrive.

I drove right over to the pack house...not exactly far from my apartment, but enough that when I put my car in park I noticed most of the pack members taking off already.

"So glad you could make it Gracie." My father sounded, I could hear the disappointment dripping from his words. "Do you think you'll ever be on time for pack meetings?"

"You forget, I'm not the next Alpha in line, no one cares when I show up."

My mom approached us to ease the situation as usual, "of course we're always glad to have our girl home love, come on sweetie, you must be hungry."

Thank the Moon Goddess for my mom, always the peace keeper between me and dad.

"Starving." I sounded as I let her lead me away.

She showed me into the kitchen and I took a seat on one of the barstools lined up in front of the large kitchen island. My mom fixed a plate for me and set it in front of me where I immediately helped myself.

"You know your father and I both love and care about you...but we're concerned Gracie."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "I'm good mom, worry about Hope, she's the one being groomed to be the next Alpha."

She shook her head, "you and your sister are both precious to us, whether you are the next Alpha or not."

"Mom...can we just drop it?"

She gave me a look that told me she would stop the conversation but she wouldn't give up that easily on the topic. She was kind enough to give me a moment alone to enjoy my brunch.

But of course the peace was short lived as first my sister waltzed into the kitchen, her gaggle of little friends right on her tail.

"Hope." I sounded.

"Grace...I didn't think you were coming."

I shrugged, "sorry to disappoint."

"Grace, you know that's not what I meant."

"It's cool Hope, you know I'm just being a bitch as usual."

She gave me a strained sort of smirk, I've always loved my sister, but part of me has always felt like Hope was always somewhat ashamed of me. Why wouldn't she be, having me as a sister...a motherless daughter and a cast aside Alpha.

I was little when my dad married my mom...step-mom... but it wasn't until I was in elementary school when I even found out she wasn't my real mother. I had overheard some kids talking about how my little sister looked just like our mom but another kid pointed out that I didn't look like her since she wasn't my REAL mom. I had asked my parents about it that day and they told me the truth, and while they tried to act like nothing changed...everything did end up changing.

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