Chapter One

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Many years earlier...

Thunder rumbled outside and rain hit the windows of the small home. It was late at night and those in the home were sleeping. Lightning flashed brightly and thunder shook the house. A young father jumped in surprise as he was woken by his child crying. He blinked tiredly and slowly rose from the desk he fell asleep at. He shuffled to the room and peaked inside. His son was hiding under the covers as he sobbed uncontrollably. The baby still sleeping across the room.

"Shh shh shh..." the father whispered quietly and knelt by the small bed. "It's alright." He muttered and peaked under the covers for the small boy. The two year old whimpered fearfully and hugged him tightly around the neck.

"Daddy I scared." He said and shook with fear. The man slowly stood and rocked his son while his eyes closed.

Another thunder clap shook the house and the baby woke up screaming. The father sighed forcefully as his wife came in a moment later.

"I can handle it." He muttered as she glanced at him.

"I didn't say you couldn't." She responded and picked up the baby as he screamed.

"Shh shh shh... mommy has you." She whispered and hummed as she calmed the babe that was only a few weeks old.

"Ashley, I said I had them..." he whispered tiredly. She looked at him and frowned as she rocked the baby to sleep.

"Why don't you ever come to bed anymore?" She asked with a hint of heart break. He stopped suddenly and looked at her as the small boy fell asleep in his arms.

"I've been... busy... trying to figure out the financial situation... crisis..." he mumbled and buried his face in the small boys hair. She looked at him then sighed quietly before walking over.

"Honey... we need to do this together." She whispered as she set a hand on his cheek. "Neither of us can bear the world on our own." She said as she smiled slightly.

"I know..." he rasped as tears filled his eyes. "I... I just feel that... I shouldn't burden you with... everything." He said and she wiped his tears away. "I am the provider of the family... I need to do my job and... provide..." he mumbled. She sighed shakily and hugged him being aware of the children.

"Shut your pride down love... let people help when you need it." She said and he hugged her closer.

"I'm trying... but it's hard..." he said as he buried his face in her hair.

They got married young and their family started young. Their parents said they should have waited until they had more experience. Now they were in financial debt and struggling to stay afloat. The father hadn't eaten in a few days so his children and wife could survive. Their shoe box apartment was falling apart under their feet. He sighed shakily and hugged his family closer. He heard the baby cough and looked at him.

"No... no baby please... don't get sick. Daddy can't afford to take you to the hospital." He whispered sadly. Ashley held the child close and put him to bed after a few minutes. She watched her husband then went to her room.

The father sat between the bed and the crib as he rested his head against the bars. He held the the baby's hand with his large fingers as he listened to him wheeze.

"Please don't get sick...." he begged as tears filled his eyes. "I can't lose you Blitzwing..." he mumbled and set his other hand on the baby's head. "Daddy loves you..." he whispered as he smiled a little.

The father grunted suddenly as he felt someone climb on him. He looked at his other son as he curled up in his father's lap with his blanket. The father's heart fell as the small boy coughed weakly.

"Not you too Steeljaw." He said sadly and hugged him with the arm the baby wasn't clinging to. He hugged the small boy close and buried his face in his hair as he fell asleep.

The next day he sat in the break room of the police station as he stared blankly at his water bottle. His hands were shaking from hunger but he kept his pain to himself and closed his eyes. Nothing was ever good enough and his family definitely didn't want to help. Not that he would ask. He swayed a little and wondered if this was the end. He was so tired.

The man felt a hand on his shoulder and he slowly opened his eyes and stared at the officer standing by him.

"You look exhausted old friend." He said gently and sat by him. The father looked away and stared at his water bottle. He was trying to stop shaking.

He suddenly saw a sandwich being slid next to his hand. He stared at it as his mouth started to water and his stomach begged him to eat the offering.

"Megatron... let go of your pride. Even if it's for a moment." The officer said gently and the said man stared at him.

"You're too kind for your own good Optimus." He responded shakily. The man smiled and opened the meal for him then held it out.

"I'm not going to let you wither away." He said seriously.

Megatron didn't say anything else as he shakily took the sandwich and hesitantly ate it. He smiled as he tasted the meal then ate quickly. Optimus watched him quietly and waited for him to finish. Once he did the officer gently set a hand on his shoulder again. Megatron hung his head and clenched his fists tightly.

"How... how did it come to this?" He asked quietly and looked at him. "I was doing so well.... and then... we crashed and burned." He muttered. "I am perfectly fine with me messing up and having to pay the price... but I can't stand to see the ones I love suffer because of me." He said as tears filled his eyes.

"I can help you through this." Optimus said seriously. "Just let me and Elita help you." He pleaded.

"No... I can't... I..." he trailed off and stared out the window. "I... I have to get out of this mess I've put myself in..." he whispered.

"How... how are your children?" Optimus asked hesitantly. "How's your wife?" He said quietly. Megatron choked back a sob and shook his head angrily.

"My little boy is sick... the baby..." he rasped and hung his head. "Optimus... I'm a failure of a father." He choked as his eyes filled with more tears. "I knew I wasn't going to be a good father... my old man even said I wasn't good enough... but this... this is my waking nightmare." He sobbed silently.

Optimus listened to him unsure what else to do. He looked to the door and saw that they were alone still. Thankfully. He knew his friend hated showing emotion to others. That was his father's fault.

"I can't bear to watch them slowly die... but I can't do anything... every cent I make goes to the debt. I work over time and don't even spend time with my family anymore. I'm so stressed out I'm going to snap and do something I won't be able to take back." He choked as more tears fell down his face. Optimus didn't know what to do for a moment then slowly pulled him into a hug. His friend hesitated and stiffened then slowly hugged him as he shook and sobbed.

"I don't know what to do brother." Megatron said though his voice was muffled since his face was in his shoulder. "I don't know what to do..." he mumbled. Optimus still didn't respond as he stared blankly at the wall.

How was he supposed to help his struggling friend get out of this mess?


Hello readers. >:]

Welcome to book 3.


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