Chapter Fourteen

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Special thanks to BeesAvenger33766 for coming up with this idea. It was too adorable to pass up. XD


Arcee walked down the hall of the hospital as she held her daughter. Orion followed quietly as he glanced around at the rooms. His mother sighed shakily and walked into a room the nurse led her to.

"They'll be right with you." She said as she smiled and walked out. Peregrine looked around and hugged her mother.

"Do I have to get a shot?" She whispered quietly. Arcee smiled a little and hugged her back as the doctor came in.

"Only if you don't want to get sick." She replied. Orion looked at his sister for a moment.

"Don't worry Peri, it doesn't hurt that bad." He said seriously. The doctor and Arcee spoke for a few minutes about the flu shot.

"How do you know?" She asked quietly and glanced at the needle the doctor pulled out.

"I'll show you. If I can do it then so can you." He said as he smiled slightly and pulled his sleeve up for the doctor. She watched her brother intently and he winced a little. She whimpered quietly and buried her face in her mother.

"See? Nothing to it." Orion said as he smiled slightly. She glanced at him then held her arm out as she kept her face buried.

"Remember what I told you Peregrine." Arcee whispered quietly and gently kissed her cheek. She nodded quickly but still didn't look.

"One... two... three..." the child said as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"All done." The doctor said as he put a bandaid on her. She blinked in surprise and looked at him, then at the bandaid which had Belle on it.

"Oooh! Pretty!" She squealed happily and jumped down. Arcee thanked the doctor as Peri went to her brother.

"Did you see? Did you see?" She grinned and showed him her bandaid. "I was big and brave." She said and puffed out her chest. Orion smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Yes you were Peri." He whispered as he hugged her tighter.

"Just like you and Jack?" She asked as she looked at him. He stared at her blankly for a moment as he thought about when Jack saved them. He had almost died in the process. Thankfully Soundwave had found them.

"Ya... just like us." He whispered as he rubbed her head. She grinned and they went to the door that led away from the little area.

They stopped at the desk as Arcee made another appointment. Peri hugged her tiger close and put a bandaid on it.

"All better." She whispered and kissed it's forehead.

She suddenly heard someone panicking and begging for the doctors to leave them alone. She looked at her mother and brother before sneaking away to see. She got to the door and watched intently as a nurse tried to give a man a shot.

"No no no no no. I hate needles... they only mean bad things for me." The patient said seriously and hugged himself.

"Blitzwing please... you got cut by rusty metal, and you have to have a tetanus shot." The young woman sitting beside him said.

Peregrine recognized her as Smokescreen's... wife? Fairy girl? Princess? Friend? Something or other. She also knew this man somehow knew Soundwave. But they didn't see the silent man often.

"You don't understand Brooke." He mumbled as he gripped his hair and shook his head. "It's the one thing I fear... well... one of the things. You weren't there... when... my mother took me... and had me used for training... then the hospital... liked to drug me..." he trailed off and looked at the nurse.

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