Chapter Seventeen

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A man looked out the window as they drove down the road. He frowned as he watched the buildings go by. It didn't feel like they should be doing this. Then again it was his fault.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Blitzwing asked as he looked at him. They were tracking Pipers phone.

"I managed to learn a few thing from Soundwave. Besides you're the one stalking Ratchet's daughter." Megatron said as he smiled a little.

"I wasn't stalking." His son mumbled and folded his arms. "I just know she was supposed to meet up with Brooke a while ago, and hasn't answered her phone. It isn't like her so I figured we could head that way." He shrugged. "Besides... I need to talk to Grim... about something." He said. Megatron raised an eyebrow and kept driving to the doctors apartment.

"But you don't know where she lives?" He asked as he looked at him.

"Well... no... not... technically... I mean I do... but she hasn't told me." He mumbled awkwardly.

"Stalker." Megatron teased as he smiled a little and glanced at him again.

"Stop it dad." Blitzwing said as he blushed with embarrassment. "Ratchet would kill me... besides... she's in love with someone else." He said sadly.

"So? That didn't stop me from chasing your mother." He said seriously. "She was engaged when I first met her." He chuckled.

"This is different. I promised myself I would never ruin anyone's relationship. If they are engaged, dating, together or whatever... stay far away from them." He mumbled.

"You'll never get anywhere with that attitude." His father frowned as he rounded the corner to the apartments. "Not to mention she'll-"

"Dad wait." Blitzwing said as he cut him off. "I don't recognize that car at all." He whispered quietly. Megatron furrowed his brow and stared at it for a moment.

"It could be anyone just visiting." He said as they parked and got out. Though he instantly felt something was wrong. He rushed to the doorway and looked around suspiciously. "Be on your guard." He whispered as they went inside and headed up to the right floor. They got to the top of the stairs and heard someone screaming in agony. Blitzwing froze and looked at his father.

"That sounds like Ratchet." He whispered quietly. Megatron narrowed his eyes and they quickly yet quietly went down the hall. They followed the screaming and heard other tenants complain as they passed them.

"Some people are so clueless." Blitzwing grumbled and they got to the door. Megatron set his ear against the wood as he listened. The screaming had stopped for a moment.

"He's being too noisy, gag him." Someone said and they heard movement.

"You're almost done so what's the point." Someone else scoffed. They heard a smack then someone stumble.

"Just finish. We're running out of time." A voice hissed angrily. Megatron slowly tried the doorknob but found it locked. He slowly stepped back as he waited.

Blitzwing hesitated as he heard Ratchet weakly say something. The young man heard laughing and a loud bang followed by the doctors cries of pain.

"Dad... we-" Blitzwing quickly moved out of the way as his father rammed into the door. He paused and listened as a young woman begged them to stop.

"I will my pretty. Then it'll be your turn." A man sneered.

"No stop!" She screamed as another loud bang sounded. Megatron rammed into the door again and this time broke it.

Terminated Transformers Prime AU (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now