Chapter Thirty

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Oh it feels so good to write again!

Sorry for taking so long, my wonderful readers. It's been rough and I started college.


Anyway enjoy! And thank you for comments and votes, it seriously helps me continue.

Love you all and enjoy.


The hospital was in chaos as someone was attacked a second time that day, not to mention it was a nurse. They shut down the hospital, trapping everyone inside to question them further and try to catch the killer.

Arcee held on to Orion and looked around for her baby girl, calling her name as Jack and Cliff stayed with her. The father and Jack made a break for it and looked for the little girl as the father tried not to panic. Cliff looked around frantically and ran into Bulkhead who also looked frantic.

"Have you seen Peregrine?!" Cliff asked at the same time the bigger man asked his own question of concern.

"I can't find Miko, have you seen her?!" Bulkhead stressed then stopped as he processed what the other man had said.

"No... I haven't...." they both said and glanced around as Jack frowned deeply, how were both girls missing? Unless they found each other in the chaos.

"They might be together holed up somewhere." the teen said as he looked at them. "Doesn't Miko go visit Andi sometimes?" he asked.

"Well it wouldn't be Ratchet.... she annoys the crap out of him." Bulkhead said as he headed towards the other room that was suggested. As they went, one nurse was running to the room where Andi stayed.

The bigger man gasped and ran forward only to stop at the doorway and stare. Jack came over and froze as he saw his mother on the ground. His world seemed to stop as he watched them attempt to save her but she wasn't moving. He felt his blood turn to ice and his heart broke as the realization settled over him.

The teen felt a scream rising from his chest but no sound came out. He suddenly felt so small and his world started to spin as he tried to focus. He heard them pronounce her dead and give the time. He heard the scream of anguish leave him and he rushed forward, even though his limbs felt like led, he made himself move. He fell to his knees as the room spun and he held his mothers head to his shoulder as he hugged her close. His heart breaking as each second passed. He let himself cry and scream as he held on to his mothers now lifeless form. The others in the room just moved away as the teen mourned for his mother.

After a moment he felt someone kneel by him and pull him into a shaky hug. He didn't fight and knew he had to let them take his mother. He looked to the person that was now hugging him as he let go of his mother. He sobbed into Optimus as he tried to calm down. The old cop watched them take the teens mother away as he stared blankly and tried to comfort him.

Jackson Darby was now an orphan.


Megatron walked through the hallways as quickly as he could without being suspicious. He hadn't seen Beta in a while and Baylee was with her brother. He glanced around as he saw and heard the panic. Why did he leaved her? He stayed hidden as he saw a firefighter looking around outside before he came back in. He watched as Heatwave went over to him. The ex-mafia leader recognized the young man as Beta's middle son.

"Where is she?" Heatwave asked as he narrowed his eyes and looked around, panic quickly filling him.

"I don't know. She was with me as we headed out and suddenly disappeared. I've looked everywhere but I can't find her." He quickly explained. Heatwave shook his head and yelled angrily, knowing his father had her. She wouldn't just leave.

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