Chapter Twelve

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Rodimus walked down the hall of the hospital as he thought. He was doing his best to keep his sister focused. It had been almost a year since their father was murdered. A whole year. Things were different and others stayed the same. He was now chief of police after Charlie Burns had his heart attack. He could never fill that man's shoes.

He stopped for a moment and took his cap off. He stared at it blankly then smiled a little. It was his father's. He insisted on wearing it if he had to wear one. He wanted to make his father proud, but he was different from him. He sighed shakily and put the cap back on then went to a room. He knocked and took his cap off again.

"Bulkhead?" He asked quietly and the man looked up at him. He was sitting by a young woman as he held her hand.

"Is it already that time?" Bulkhead rasped as he looked at him. Rodimus nodded slowly and smiled a little. The soldier looked at the woman and gently kissed her forehead.

"I'll be back Andi..." he whispered quietly and rested his forehead against hers. Rodimus looked at the floor, feeling as though he was intruding. Bulkhead stood after kissing her again then went to the door.

"You'll... let me know?" He asked as he looked at him.

"Of course." Rodimus said as he smiled a little and watched him go. He looked to the young woman and sighed shakily.

She had been in a coma ever since they brought her to the hospital and saved her life. She had woken for only a moment to ask for her brother and Bulkhead. When they told her she slipped into the long coma. He himself had actually found them in the alleyway. He still couldn't get the image out of his head. The young man sighed forcefully and sat by her side as he stared at her.

"Hey Andi..." he mumbled feeling awkward that he was talking to someone in a coma. "I won't bother you too much this time." He said as he looked at his hands. "I bet you got tired of me ranting last time about Strongarm and Sideswipe dating." He smirked cockily and looked at her. His smile faded and he fiddled with his hat before he stared at it.

"I miss you Dad..." he whispered quietly as he gently rubbed the worn cap. Tears filled his eyes and he tried to blink them back.

"I... I guess we... both have a reason to go after Starscream." He said seriously and looked at her again. "Maybe we can work together and bring him to justice." He muttered then fell silent as he stared at the hat. A few tears fell down his face and landed on the blue fabric.


Bulkhead walked into the room and sighed shakily. He smiled as he fixed his tie and went to the others. The room was beautifully decorated and he saw his father struggling with his tie.

"You never liked those things." He said as he walked over and helped his father tie it properly.

"Last time I wore one was at... my wedding and Arcee's." Optimus admitted as he smiled a little. His oldest son chuckled softly and glanced at his younger brother. "You doing okay Smokes?" He asked.

"Ya just can't tame my hair." He said as he smiled brightly. His red hair was all over the place and Brooke was trying to help him.

Bulkheads smile faded as he watched his paralyzed brother. He remembered how depressed his brother had been, fearing Brooke would leave him. Though she had proved him wrong and helped him through it all. Smokescreen smiled slightly as he looked up at her. He gently gripped her face and kissed her happily. Optimus smiled as he watched while the oldest son chuckled softly.

"Save it for your wedding." Bulkhead said as he chuckled again. Brooke blushed deeply and rubbed the back of her head nervously before walking out of the room.

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