Chapter Twenty Two

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Baylee was quiet as she walked back to the hospital and thought about what to do for her family and friends. She sighed as she looked around the busy street and waited for the crosswalk light. She glanced at something that fell on the ground by her feet and she furrowed her brow as she stared at the paper that was folded once. She saw a few names crossed out and one with a question mark. She looked to the man beside her but he didn't seem to notice, she then bent down and picked it up to give it to him. It wasn't her business anyway.

"Excuse me sir you dropped..." She froze as she caught a few more names on the list just as the walk light turned on. She recognized some of the names on it and she paled a little before realizing the man had looked at her.

"Ah thank you." He said and plucked it out of her hand as he smiled. "My you are a pretty girl." He purred and another man standing on his other side gripped his arm. This other man was blind and had a walking stick.

"Leave the child alone." He muttered before they headed down the walk way to cross the street. Baylee just stared as people walked passed her to get to the other side of the road. She paled more as she realized she knew who the blind man was. Kaon.

She knew him from when she was little and they were talking to her father. She looked around but didn't see anyone else from their group. She turned and quickly walked back to the police station as she memorized the names over and over in her head. She then broke into a run as she felt panic for these people. There were more names on the list but she didn't know who they were and she mentally kicked herself for not grabbing the list. She should have taken it and ran, but hopefully this would help them stop the cons from killing anyone else. She went back to the station and ran up to the desk but the receptionist was on the phone.

"I have to talk to Rodimus." Baylee said urgently and the woman gave her an annoyed look then held up a finger telling her to wait. "This is extremely important." The girl insisted and glance to the door, worried someone might have followed her. "Please! This is-" She looked over and saw Rodimus walking off with Chase as they spoke. She bolted to the cops and the receptionist yelled at her to come back. She quickly called security as they young woman ran towards the men.

"Rodi! Chase!" She called as some officers tried to stop her, thinking she was going to hurt the others. Rodimus whipped around as he heard the commotion and Chase stepped in front of him as he took in the situation.

"Stop!" The chief boomed and narrowed his eyes as the cops stopped and she did just a few feet in front of him as she panted.

"The... DJD... list..." She panted from running all over the place in a short amount for time. He furrowed his brow and gripped her shoulders. "I saw... Kaon... saw... the list... Steve... Soundwave... Cody..." she panted. "More... didn't see..." she gasped.

"Wait... you saw the victims? How did-" he shook his head and looked around before barking orders for someone to take note.

"Rodimus, we can use this to capture them. They don't know we know, yet." Chase said seriously as they started writing the names she already said.

"Only problem is who their next target actually is or how many are in between each name." The cop said as he looked at them. "We need to get teams formed and protect the targets, then ambush the DJD when they come." He ordered.

"Get Bee's team to protect Steve and Cody." Rodimus said seriously then looked at Chase. "Can the rescue team protect Soundwave?" he asked. The cop nodded slowly and they headed out as Rodimus tried to help Baylee remember who else was on the list. They had to hurry before anyone else was killed.


Megatron watched as Beta did her best to make Blitzwing comfortable, even though nothing seemed to help him. The ex-con walked over and gently brushed some hair out of his face as he grunted in pain. Beta hummed a little to sooth him as his father paced nervously. He wanted to take him home so he'd be safe, but knew he couldn't. He also didn't want to stay and risk him or Beta being identified then harmed. He sighed forcefully and leaned against the wall as he worried. He heard someone walk into the room and glanced at the doorway he was next to. He froze as he recognized Knockout.

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