Chapter Fifteen

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The car swerved down the road and weaved through traffic. The other cars honked angrily and tried to get out of the way. Blitzwing narrowed his eyes and continued to drive crazily. He had to stop his father from killing innocent people again. They had both agreed to change their lives around. His expression softened a little and he stared at the road.

They hadn't heard from Steeljaw since that night. He had just vanished and it broke their hearts. Blitzwing wanted his brother to come back and change his ways. Though he didn't even know if he was doing something wrong or not. Did his father go back to crime to try and find his son? It didn't make sense. Who was on the hit list? Everything that betrayed him?

That meant Optimus and his family were in danger, Ratchet and his family, Soundwave, Heatwave, Chief Burns, and practically everyone else.

His smile became sad as he thought about Ratchet's daughter. She had been trying to help him get back into life, help him learn how to be normal. Remind him to take his medication when he was down. She was a great friend and they had gotten close. But that's all she would ever be to him. A friend. She and Knockout were in a relationship already. He couldn't break them apart like that. It would be horrible for the medic.

He shook his head and continued to drive to the safe house. His dad had lived there ever since the bomb went off. It was the safest place for him and Beta.

Blitzwing chuckled to himself and rolled his eyes. He wanted those two to get married and just admit they loved each other. They could be so stubborn.

He wished Soundwave knew about them though. But he didn't know how the young man would take it. He knew his mother was alive and that seemed to be enough for him. It was hard to keep that secret from him and his brother.

The young man soon got to the hideout and quickly went inside. He narrowed his eyes as he looked for his father. He heard Beta talking in the other room and went to the kitchen.

"-but no, you had to go off and leave them out in the sun to wither away and die." She said bitterly as she chopped up some vegetables. "That is not how you make sun dried tomatoes. There's a process and I don't want all my vegetables shriveled up." She grumbled.

"Um... Beta? Who are you talking to?" Blitzwing asked as he looked around the empty room. She looked at him and furrowed her brow.

"Your father of course. I don't talk to myself." She said seriously and the young man raised an eyebrow. She looked around the room and scoffed in disbelief. "Oh, he did not walk off while I was talking to him." She growled as she put the knife down. She took off her apron and stormed off to the back door. They him kneeling in the garden as he weeded it.

"Megatron Francis Duncan!" She shouted angrily and put her hands on her hips. The said man furrowed his brow and looked at her.

"That's not my middle name, nor my last name. I don't have a middle name." He said seriously.

"Well you should so you know when I'm mad at you!" She scoffed as he got up and sighed in exasperation.

"Hello Blitzwing." He said as he walked over and hugged him tightly.

"Hey dad... I um... need to talk to you... when you have time." He said as he glanced at Beta nervously. Megatron nodded slowly and looked at the angry woman.

"Beta my dear..." he whispered as he gripped her shoulders and kissed her cheek. She sputtered and whacked at his arms, but he didn't let go.

"Don't sweet talk me." She hissed angrily and folded her arms. "I'm still mad at you." He rolled his eyes and kissed her neck then picked a flower and handed it to her. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear and made her blush deeply.

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