Chapter Thirty Two

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The night was silent after the men left and Vos grumbled as he stayed on the couch and pouted a bit, not wanting to stay there. Nickel had cleaned up her mess and stood by the stairs as she stared blankly. She got the food and went to give it to the prisoners as she thought. She went to the boy's room first and quietly opened the door, he was hiding in the corner as he stared at her with fear. She sat a few feet away and shushed him as she held out the food.

"It's okay... I won't hurt you." she promised and worked on gaining his trust by eating a little of the food. "It's good." she smiled and he slowly inched closer. He sat by her and quietly ate the food as he glanced around.

"I want my... daddy..." he whispered and shook a little more as he ate, she noticed he still had his backpack from school. He had a police beanie on his head now and his pack was open. She figured his dad was a cop. The beanie just had the police departments logo on it. 

"Well... your dad is... Tesarus." she said and knew his adopted father would probably be furious when he found out the boy was gone. "I mean he's your real dad so...." she trailed off and thought about what she found out.

"He's not my dad." the child said bravely and with as much defiance as he could muster. "Ultra Magnus is my dad... he will always be my dad." He choked as tears filled his eyes. "Because I love him... and he saved me... because he loves me." He whispered quietly. Nickel stared at him as he cried quietly and sniffed. She knew the said cop was dead. Starscream bragged about it for a long time. As if killing him was a great accomplishment, similar to Optimus being killed by Megatron. Though that didn't turn out as planned. She thought for a moment and hesitantly put an arm around him. He tensed then hugged her as he sobbed quietly.

"I wa... want to be like him... like... my big brother and sister... they're like him...." he whispered.

"I'm sure you will.... and he'll be so proud of you." She said as she smiled a little at him. He nodded and looked at her as he calmed down. He sat back and quietly ate the food she had brought up. She waited for a moment then stood and left the room, locking the door behind her.

The house was silent as she stood there and she quietly went to give the other two girls some food. Nickel entered the room to see the teen laying in bed unconscious still, while the child hugged her as she sniffed sadly. The little girl saw her and stood up as she glared darkly and put her hands on her little hips.

"Big meanies!" She cried and stomped her foot. "Let us go or... um... I'll scream." She huffed as she stood taller and puffed out her chest.

"Ya okay you do that. I'll just leave and take your food." Nickel said seriously. Peregrine hesitated and sat on the floor as she hugged herself. She thought for a moment as the young girl set their food down. She then gave her food and worked on waking Miko.

"No stop!" the child cried and hugged the sleeping teen. "Don't hurt her." she whispered and Nickel sighed before going to get Pet, but then realized he wasn't here anymore. She grumbled and looked at the girl. 

"Finish eating. I won't hurt her." she said seriously and the child nodded then quietly ate her food as she watched her. Nickel went back to Miko and brought smelling salts from her pocket. She worked on waking her so she would eat.

The Asian teen opened her eyes and looked at her for a brief moment, before she shoved her off. With a wild cry she jumped out of bed and tackled Nickel then started choking her. Nickel was surprised by this and quickly kicked her away as the child hid. Miko wasn't done and tackled her again then hit her a few times.

"Vos!" Nickel screamed as she caught the girls hands and kicked her away again. "Vos!" She cried out and the man came into the room. He glared at Miko then smacked her before choking her. The girl kicked and screamed as she flailed and worked on scratching at his face. 

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