Chapter Twenty Nine

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Nickel ran through the woods and glanced back to the sirens in the distance, she knew she had to get out before they arrived. Grimlock had help and she just had to get to safety. She had texted the boys and told them what happened before she booked it to the other hideout. She knew they would be furious that she lost their favorite hidden home. It was her fault anyway.

She frowned and continued running as they planned previously in case something like this happened. She panted as she climbed the hill and continued through the woods, hoping she at least got there before they did. She was covered in scratches and bruises from tripping and running in the woods.

She just knew she couldn't stop. If she did then the cops would take her and torture her to get information. That's what Tarn told her and he wouldn't ever lie to her. Would he?


Tarn was almost to the hospital when he checked his phone as it beeped quietly. He narrowed his eyes and had Helex pull over to an alleyway. They all looked at the message from Nickel and felt frustrated and angry. Their hideout had been discovered and the cops were there already. Tesuras glared as he held the sleeping Elliot in his arms then looked towards the hospital, which was in view.

"There is no way we can get in there now." he muttered as they noticed the cops were still there and swarming the place. They had to retreat and lay low for a bit. Tarn wasn't happy with this and clenched his fists tightly.

"We need to finish the list, but it would be foolish to-" he stopped suddenly as he saw a firefighter going into the hospital, the 'hero' glanced around a little. "Heatwave." he muttered and narrowed his eyes more. "I have an idea." he said and made a phone call as he watched his middle child.

Pharma looked at his phone as it beeped and got the message from Nickel. His eyes widened and he did his best not to panic as he thought about what was going on. He also knew the cops were here and he was trying to stay calm. He had just killed a man and needed to get out of there, but felt he needed to impress the DJD and Barricade.

He had to do something and it was driving him crazy. He could continue the list. Who was on the list, did it have to be done in order? Would he mess them up if it wasn't? He gripped his head and tried not to scream in frustration. He stopped as he smiled suddenly and knew an easy target.

He stood straight and walked down the hallway as he stayed calm for once. He entered Andi's room to see that Steve was there still, and a nurse. She looked at him and smiled in greeting as she tended to the comatose woman. He nodded once and searched his lab coat pocket as the nurse continued to work.

He pulled out a syringe and glanced at her then approached Steve. It was the same poison he used to kill Knockout. He moved to the man as he stared at his sister with concern.

"What are you doing?" the nurse asked and Pharma looked at her then at his syringe as he thought. He noted that her name tag said June D.

"Giving the patient her medication." he said as he smiled and the nurse furrowed her brow as she folded her arms.

"Then why are you trying to stick Steve?" she asked and the said man looked up at him as he frowned. Pharma hesitated and lunged at the poor man.

Steve grabbed his arm in time and felt himself start to panic. His only friend was dead and he didn't want to leave his sister.

June quickly went over and pulled the doctor away from him. She locked her arms around the doctor and yelled for help as she kept his arms pinned to his side. He started to panic and looked around as June tried to pull him towards the door. He couldn't fail, not again.

He stabbed her in the thigh and injected the poison into her blood stream. June cried out and he hit her a few times until she let go. She tried to grab him and fell to the ground as her body started to stiffen. She watched him run away and looked to Steve who was by his sister, trying to protect her. He rushed over and pulled out the syringe then ran to the hall as he called for help.

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