Chapter Ten

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*Warning* violence and abuse. I tried to keep it clean but to also give you an idea.

Also please comment XD.


A month went by and Megatron seemed almost depressed. He was still close with his family but wasn't happy. He also started to discipline his children. He told them they shouldn't be involved with the mafia or anything else of that matter.

Blitzwing stopped with his game of getting thrown into the hospital. Steeljaw however, just continued to be trained by Shockwave and Soundwave in secret. He was still angry with everyone except his family. He hated the cops for what they did, or didn't do. He wanted them to pay.

It had been six months since Megatron bought the flower shop for Beta. She was happy and loved it so much. He found that when he was around her, he was happier. He stayed in the back mostly or left to do some things occasionally.

Her two boys would come visit her, but never at the same time. Soundwave made sure of that. He would wait until his brother left before going to see her. It wasn't that he hated his older brother, he was simply ashamed of himself. His visits with her made him slowly change, and he wanted to leave the mafia. But he knew his oldest brother would kill him.

Megatron was extremely careful to never be seen by anyone. He couldn't risk it but wanted so badly to tell the young man. He saw him as a son and felt it was unfair to keep him in the dark.

One day he was coming into the main room from the back as he held a few ferns. He stopped suddenly when he saw her talking to Heatwave and quickly went into the back again. The firefighter had looked up but only seen the man's arm as he went back around the corner. He furrowed his brow and quickly stood.

"Who was that?" He growled lowly and clenched his fists. Beta gently gripped his arm and smiled a little.

"It's alright Heatwave. He's a friend of mine." She said and had him sit back down. "He won't hurt me."

"Are you sure?" He asked as he narrowed his eyes. She smiled a little and gently kissed his cheek.

"I'm sure sweetie. Don't worry about me little firefighter." She chuckled softly and he frowned deeply.

"I have to worry about you." He said and hugged her tightly. "Especially after what happened... I was too little at the time to do anything..." he whispered. She stared blankly at nothing in particular and hesitantly hugged him back. She knew he felt guilty and didn't blame him.

She sighed shakily and buried her scarred and burned face in his chest. She loved her boys to no end, even if they didn't love her back. In a way she was proud of her scars, it meant her boys never got hurt. She had managed to spare them from the horrors her husband inflected on her. Her mind slowly went back to that day as she held on to her son.


She had known something was wrong considering how her husband and his friends were talking. The had joined a gang and were putting their own together at the time. They wanted to be feared more. She didn't understand it but feared for her children. Shockwave was always present when the men had meetings. This terrified her and for good reason. Her husband started to become abusive in several different ways. She tried to fix their marriage for the children and only stayed with them for that reason. Her husband became more violent towards her, and she only asked that he kept the yelling and hitting away from the boys. She didn't care about the abuse as long as her boys were away from it.

Though Shockwave would watch and found it fascinating how his father could manipulate her. He was bullied at school and started to follow in his father's footsteps.

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