Chapter Thirty Six

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I'd say this is the second to last chapter. Or third.... maybe. Oh also I'm back! I just really don't want to end this book. Because I love it so much and love the characters.



"You're wasting valuable time!" Megatron roared angrily as they started to lead him to a car. The cops were currently working on a plan to get them back and try to figure out the best course of action.

"Listen to me! You've already made a mistake by not listening to me earlier! Don't make another by wasting time!" He shouted at them as they opened the car door. He narrowed his eyes and shouldered the cop by him before jumping and managing to get his cuffed hands in front of him. They had cuffed him earlier after the call came in. Heatwave and Soundwave worked on helping with the plan. The cops yelled in surprise and he grabbed Rodi by the shirt and yanked him towards him. Grabbing him with both hands.

"Listen to me damn it." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth as he ignored the cops aiming their guns at him. "I may be an old man but I'm a spry and will kill every one of you if I have to. All of you know I can and will." He growled as Rodimus stared at him without fear. The area was deathly still and tense as the two glared at each other.

"You can turn me in after you catch them. Tie me up, cage me and let me rot, I don't care. I won't even fight you, but only after you catch them and those girls are safe." he said seriously as the chief of police studied him. He clenched his fists slowly and narrowed his eyes, debating on what to do. Soundwave stepped forward and glanced between them, starting to speak even though they didn't look at him.

"Rodimus... if you let him go.... he'll be able to catch them before anyone else has to die by their hands... please... I know it's a risk... but he can find them." he said seriously and clenched his fists in anger towards his father. He knew he was going to kill Beta if they waited too long. "He can ride in my car and I'll do the driving." He explained, which caused several cops to protest and start to get angry.

"Shut up!" Rodimus yelled angrily and looked at them. The cops fell silent and he pulled out his keys as he started to unlock Megatron's cuffs. "He is your responsibility." he said as he glanced to Soundwave. "I'm only freeing him so he isn't useless. Now go!" he yelled as the ex-con rubbed his wrists. The two cons went to the car and Soundwave drove off.

"Do you realize what you just did?!" Strongarm asked. "You just let them get away!" she yelled angrily and the Chief looked at her.

"Everyone move out." he said seriously and glared as he went to the car to follow the ex-cons. He trusted Soundwave because he trusted Heatwave. He couldn't mess this up and risk the lives of those girls. If anyone could take down Tarn, it would be Megatron. Ironhide got in the car with him and they drove after them, he was silent as the young Chief sat in the back with his brother and hugged him tightly. Staring out the window in thought.


Megatron was silent as they drove and he glanced to the smoldering car on the side of the road as they passed. The cop had been saved and they were just putting the rest of the flames out. He glanced over to Soundwave who drove then looked at his wrists as he rubbed them, he hated the feeling of cuffs but knew he had to get used to it. He was quiet as he made a plan to get Beta back. The silent man drove quickly as he frowned in thought.

"This brings back memories." The young man commented and glanced to his former boss as he smiled a little. Megatron looked at him and smiled slightly.

"That it does. I miss it dearly..." he admitted and looked out the window. Soundwave nodded silently in agreement. He'd be lying if he said he didn't miss it on occasion. Being able to get anything he wanted without detection. He smiled a little at the thought, debating on something. "Soundwave... I'll turn myself in once Beta and the girls are safe... I need you to do something for me." he said seriously and looked up at him. The young man watched him intently for a moment and nodded slowly.

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