Chapter Twenty One

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"I don't understand... you have a little brother... yet you don't tell anyone about him." Baylee said feeling sorry for the boy. He didn't pay attention to them as he colored and hugged his stuffed lion tightly.

"I had to..." Rodimus said and pulled her aside as he leaned against his desk. He folded his arms and hung his head a little. "I had to protect him... Dad adopted Elliott when he was just a baby. He never told me the full story, and I was so angry with him. Of course anything dad did... I was angry with him back then..." He said as his heart filled with regret.

"Grandma sat him down and spoke with him for a long time about bringing a baby into the house. But he told her that the child was abandoned at the hospital, and needed someone to love him." He explained with a small smile

"Though it didn't seem like it... dad had a heart of gold." he said as tears filled his eyes. "He saved me and Strongarm from a bad situation... and how did I repay him? By rebelling and running away, before finishing high school..." he sighed and hung his head. Baylee watched him and bit her lip as she set a hand on his shoulder. He smiled sadly as he looked at her then at his little brother.

"Grandma took care of him when dad wasn't at home. Strongarm would help when she got home, but I refused to do anything... at least in the view of everyone else. I would secretly hold him and love him... I didn't want him to feel unloved like I did with my other family. I got in a fight with dad once... something stupid... then I ran away to the army telling him I would't have to follow rules there." he chuckled sadly. "I got mad at him when he smirked about it. But he never said anything." he smiled a little.

"You really were an idiot as a teenager." Baylee said as she smiled slightly. "I thought Strongarm was just exaggerating." She said as he shook his head.

"I liked to party and that was about it." He admitted then looked to the side. "After two years the army got me in a right mind set, and I finally contacted them again. My relationship with my family slowly became better, though me and dad still had disagreements. Elliott loved to hear from me and sent me all sorts of things in the mail. My time was up but I decided to tour the world instead of going home. Got into a band and saw a lot of places." He chuckled then fell silent.

"But then I heard that Grandma died... and I knew how it would effect the family... so I headed home. By the time I got home... I was too late." He rasped as tears fell down his face. "I should have left sooner... then I could have thanked my dad before Starscream-" he stopped himself as he noticed his brother was listening. Silent tears falling down the boys face. The chief walked over then sat by him and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry bud." He whispered and picked the six year old up then held him close. "He cried and screamed... for his dad... he cried so much when we had to tell him..." He rasped as he rocked the boy to comfort him. "He hasn't spoken since the funeral... and I promised dad I'd protect him." he muttered. "Even if it meant hiding him from the world." he said and buried his face in the boys hair. She watched for a moment then sat by them.

"Why is he here though? Doesn't he have someone to watch him while you work?" She asked and the cop looked at her.

"We did until yesterday." He admitted as he sighed and the boy clung to him. "Our nanny left after I got home. She was terrified after hearing about these attacks and moved out of the city. Strongarm and I begged her to stay... but she refused." he said and thought for a moment.

"Then our neighbor, Mrs Johnson, suggested we... give him up since we couldn't take care of him ourselves." He said then narrowed his eyes. "I told her to mind her own dang business or I'd arrest her for harassment." He muttered bitterly. Baylee watched him then smiled a little as she glanced at the boy.

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