Chapter Four

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A few weeks went by and Megatron got away with stealing things. He felt guilty at first then slowly became more comfortable with it. Almost like he was meant to steal. He shook his head angrily at the thought. They had been able to pay for the treatments and Baylee was getting better.

He couldn't stop stealing though. He didn't need to anymore but he couldn't stop himself. He still worked crazy hours and hardly slept. That was probably why his judgment was clouded. He was currently in the evidence room and sitting at the desk as he went over the inventory. He was so exhausted and before he knew it, he was asleep.

Something kicked his shoe and he jumped awake. He looked up at an officer and furrowed his brow. The man glared and folded his arms. This officer was very strict and didn't like anything contrary to the book.

"Magnus..." Megatron said as he sat up and stretched before wincing.

"Taking a nap on duty?" He criticized and walked over then yanked the inventory book from the desk.

"You would too if you were working long shifts and went home to have your wife nag you, then try to spend time with your children who never see you." Megatron rambled. The man just stared at him blankly then shook his head.

"I have a few questions for you actually." He said seriously. "I do inventory almost every day and everything seems fine. But after your shift, things seem to go missing." He said and narrowed his eyes.

"You blaming me for something?" The other cop scoffed.

"Should I be?" He asked and glared darkly at him. Megatron didn't respond and got up then shoved passed the man. He walked out of the room then ended his shift a few hours later.

He went to Kaon and down a dark alleyway then leaned against the wall. He stared at a building that almost looked like a tower. It was in the heart of Kaon and stood proudly above the other buildings. He smirked a little as he stared at it for a while. He heard someone coming and looked to some men that were in a small gang. He had run into them by accident and they tried to beat him to death. He wasn't in uniform at the time so he simply fought back and won. They respected him and now did favors for him on their own accord. He didn't like it at first but Natasha found out and told him to gain their trust.

He didn't know why but figured it would help him bring them down. He had fought other leaders as they tried to attack him randomly. He easily defeated them and soon found himself with a growing gang. It was odd but Natasha kept encouraging him to do this. She claimed it would help them keep the streets safer.

"Megatron." A man said and walked over then nodded his head. "Sir we wish to show you our appreciation." He said and held out a bag. The cop narrowed his eyes and shoved him against the wall.

"What is this?" He seethed angrily through gritted teeth. The man paled and his friend stepped back nervously.

"S-Sir please! This isn't anything harmful I promise." He begged and opened the bag quickly. It was full of money. Their spoils from what, he didn't know. The cop let him go and furrowed his brow as he stepped back.

"Why are you giving this to me?" He asked calmly and stood taller to seem more threatening. The man stepped back again and shakily held it out.

"Y-y-you're our leader. You are the undefeated champion in this city. Some of the other gangs are calling you the Gladiator and fear you." He explained. The cop just stared at him blankly for a while. He had been doing this for a while now and he had someone formed a gang. No a mafia. He took the bag and glared at him then walked off.

When he got home he found Natasha in the kitchen. He dropped the bag of money at her feet and narrowed his eyes. She stared at it then smiled brightly before looking at him.

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