Chapter Thirty Seven

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The air was silent as the men stood their and watched each other, the cop against two men who had a teenager and child. His partner got out of the car and aimed his gun at the two cons as he sighed nervously. 

"Stay where you are!" He shouted as he watched them. Their squad car was on one side of the bridge and the cons were in the middle.

"Put your hands in the air!" His partner yelled. Tarn glanced to Helex and nodded once before they each put their hands in the air. The cops were surprised and slowly stepped forward.

"Miss, please come to us." Chase said seriously. She glanced at the two men then the cops before moving towards them. The cops had her move behind them then slowly approached the men. Tarn glanced to the two girls then over to Helex. He wasn't ready to go to jail yet. The cops made them turn around and they cuffed them.

Tarn looked to his comrade and his face twitched slightly. Helex whipped around and kicked Chase before he head butted the other cop. Tarn got his hands in front of him and grabbed the keys. He took the one cops gun as Chase managed to recover from the kick. The DJD leader quickly freed his comrade and glanced to Chase as he whipped out his gun. Tarn aimed his gun and fired just as Chase did the same. The con was trained well and managed to avoid the bullet. Chase grunted as he was shot in the shoulder and fell back. Helex took the gun and walked over before kicking the cops gun off the bridge.

"Come along girls if you want the officers to live." Tarn said seriously and looked at them. Miko shook her head as she stood in front of Peregrine.

"Never. We aren't going anywhere else with you." She growled angrily as she clenched her fists tightly. Chase grunted as he got back to his knees. His partner rubbed his head as he sat up. Chase set a finger to his lips with his good hand as he watched him.

"Alright then." He said calmly and Helex gave him the gun. The cop got up quietly and moved towards them. Tarn whipped around and shot the man in the head. Miko screamed as she hugged the child close. Her eyes widened as the cop fell to the ground. Chase stared with eyes wide as he looked at his partner. He glanced up at Tarn as he set the gun to his head.

"Let's try that again. Come along, girls." He said seriously. Miko fought back tears as she picked up the child and walked towards them. Chase didn't move as he watched them and tried to think of a way out of this. Tarn glanced to the car then the way they had to go. He smirked as the girls got close and Helex grabbed Miko's arm.

"Officer Chase." Tarns said as he moved the gun to the mans tag. He stared at it and scoffed a little. "Catch." he smirked. Helex gripped the teens shoulders and picked her up with ease before he tossed her over the edge of the bridge.

Miko screamed as she tightened her grip on the child and tried to grab something with her free hand. The cop's eyes widened and he lunged over the edge as he reached for her. He grabbed her arm but went over the edge, his other arm quickly grabbed onto the bridge and he panted quietly. His injured shoulder screaming in pain as it shook and held on to the bridge. He heard slow clapping as Tarn walked over and smirked.

"Nice catch, Officer Chase. I have to say I'm impressed." he said as he looked over the edge at the girls. The raging water two feet below them. Peregrine looked down at the water, she whimpered and clung to Miko. The cop grit his teeth, his injured arm shook and he buried his face in his blood stained sleeve as he fought the pain. He glared back up at the villains as they walked over and looked at him. 

"Don't let go." Miko whispered to the child as she held on to the cops hand and the little girl in her arms. Peri nodded and held on, wrapping her arms and legs around her. They could tell the cops arm was hurting as it shook from the strain and the wound. He looked at them and saw the fear in their eyes.

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