Chapter Seven

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The silence was welcomed and filled the void inside. He wasn't sure what would happen, but didn't care. He just felt as if he were floating in dead air. No one cared about him, and that was fine. Perhaps a few did. It fascinated him, the different thoughts that run through your head when you die.

Steeljaw was walking through the alleyway looking for his dad. He was wanting to meet with him and wanting to learn how to become like him. His father had demanded that they stay out of the mafia, but he couldn't help it.

He heard the gun shot and his eyes widened. He ran towards where he heard it, then another went off. He slowed as he got to a corner and carefully peaked around the building. His eyes widened in horror as he watched his father fall back.

Megatron lay on the cold cement, and didn't move. Steeljaw became angry when Bumblebee robbed his dead father and left. They just left his body there. They had no respect for the dead or his family. The anger inside the young man grew and he went to his father's side.

"Dad..." he whispered quietly as tears fell down his face. "You didn't deserve this..." he rasped and looked at the wound. Megatron didn't respond and Steeljaw hesitantly set a hand on his head.

"I... I thought Optimus was your friend... our family's friend... but he just left you here." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth and blinked back tears. He tried to reason with himself to say it was because of the something important. But that didn't help. He heard a small grunt and he looked at his father.

"Dad?" He asked and felt for a pulse. His eyes widened in surprise as he found one, though it was weak.

He started to panic and pulled out his phone. He thought about who to call that wasn't busy. He furrowed his brow and called a number. Someone his father trusted with his life.

"Dr Scalpel?" He asked when the man answered the phone. "I need you to get here quickly, Megatron's life hangs by a thread." He said seriously.

The doctor said he'd be there and quickly hung up. Steeljaw looked back at his father and grabbed something to try and stop the bleeding. He then took off his jacket and set it over him to keep him warm.

"It's okay dad.... you're free now..." he whispered quietly as tears fell down his face. "The city thinks you're dead... I'm going to keep it that way..." he rasped.

When the doctor arrived they carefully moved Megatron and headed to the safe house as the doctor worked the best he could in the car. As they drove up the mountain they heard the explosion and Steeljaw stopped the car in surprise.

He jumped out after parking and stood on the edge of the cliff. His eyes widened in horror as he realized his father did this. He remembered the mafia talking about it, but didn't think they'd actually do it. He waited for the rest of the city to blow up but it didn't. There was a second explosion but it was in the same spot as the first.

He looked back at the car then stared blankly for a moment. He shook his head and ran back then finished the drive to the safe house. The doctor had managed to get the bullet out and was currently wrapping the wound.

"You can't tell anyone about this." Steeljaw said seriously. "Megatron is dead. Understood?" He mumbled. The doctor looked at him then nodded slowly.

"A secret even from the mafia and his closest friends?" He asked.

"Especially from them." Steeljaw said seriously and glared at him. "Let the city think he's dead..." he rasped.

They soon got to the house and helped him inside. They put him on the table after Beta cleaned it quickly. The doctor then finished his work and nodded slowly to the young man. Beta kept Blitzwing and Baylee out of the room even though they wanted to be in there. The doctor and Steeljaw carefully moved Megatron to the spare bedroom and gently laid him down. Dr Scalpel then set up an IV drip and other needful things.

"I didn't know we had that stuff." Blitzwing said as he watched.

"Your father made sure his safe houses had everything." The doctor said. The young man nodded slowly and left to let the medic work. Steeljaw came into the room and stared at the other three.

"As far as the city, mafia and everyone else knows, dad died." He said seriously. "We need to keep it that way." He empathized. They nodded slowly in agreement and glanced at each other.

"That includes you Blitzwing. You can't tell anyone. Ever." He growled lowly.

"I understood you the first time." His brother glared back. Steeljaw sighed forcefully and nodded slowly then went to change his blood stained clothes.


Megatron slowly opened his eyes and stared blankly at the window he was facing. He watched the rain fall and furrowed his brow. Was he dead?

He thought he was but that thought stopped when he felt a small pain in his chest. He winced and hissed angrily through gritted teeth. He slowly looked to it and furrowed his brow. He suddenly remembered what happened and his eyes widened in surprise. He looked to the door as it opened and saw Baylee.

"Dad... you're finally awake." She whispered and hugged him gently then sat by his side. She smiled brightly as she gripped his hand and gently kissed it. He smiled tiredly then furrowed his brow.

"Finally?" He rasped quietly and looked at her. "How... how long was I out?" He asked. She stared at him for a moment then sighed forcefully.

"You've been in a type of coma... for three months..." she whispered quietly. "You had brain activity so Dr Scalpel said we needed to stay hopeful." She said. He just stared at her then frowned deeply.

"Dad!" Blitzwing cried and ran over then hugged him tightly.

"Ah!" His father shouted and the young man quickly let go. The other two ran into the room to see what happened.

"Sorry dad..." he whispered quietly and stepped back. Steeljaw gently set a hand on his shoulder and Beta blinked in surprise as she watched Megatron.

"It's okay Blitz... just be careful." Baylee said as she smiled a little.

"I'm glad you're awake dad." Steeljaw said as he smiled slightly. Megatron looked at him then tried to sit up. Everyone protested and carefully helped him lay down again.

"You're still recovering." Beta said seriously as she stared at him. Steeljaw hesitantly told him what happened, how the city and everyone thought he was dead. He nodded slowly in understanding then frowned again.

"Did... you manage to stop the bombs?" He asked hopefully. They stared at him blankly then looked at each other.

"No..." Steeljaw whispered and looked at him. "We didn't even know you actually planted them..." he rasped. Megatron stared at them then looked away.

After a long moment of silence they slowly left him so he could rest. He thought for a moment then found a laptop and searched the news. He stared blankly as he watched the reports and what he'd done to the city. He yelled angrily and threw the device across the room. Beta ran back inside to make sure he was alright. He looked at her with tears in his eyes.

"What have I done?" He rasped quietly and she sat by his side. He started to sob and she carefully hugged him. The man she once knew was finally free.

"Part of you died that day... I feel Bumblebee killed the monster inside... leaving the kind officer who struggles to protect his family from the world." She whispered quietly as he held on to her and cried silently. He felt so lost.

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