Chapter Nineteen

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A few hours went by and it was nearing the hour of eight at night. A bridge crossing the river was full of stopped cars. Just on the other side of the bridge, a car was wrecked and upside down on the side of the road. It blocked one lane of traffic and a semi on its side blocked the entire road and shoulder. A woman ran between the cars and panted as tears fell down her face, she was trying not to hyperventilate a she went to the wreckage. The police stopped her and held her back.

"No no no! I know him!" She sobbed and tried to get passed them. "Tucker!" She screamed and managed to get by. She went to the car and stopped suddenly. He wasn't there. She looked around then at the ambulance.

"Ma'am stop!" A cop yelled and ran over to her as he narrowed his eyes. "We need to ask you a few questions." He said as he led her back.

"Where is he?!" She cried and looked around before the man stopped and glanced at her. She saw the ambulance and truck driver but not her friend.

"The driver of that car has disappeared. The accident happened but the truck driver couldn't find the other victim." He said seriously. "What's your name?" He asked.

"My name is Emily and his name is Tucker we knew each other.... from..." She trailed off and looked back to the car. They had met in Kaon while he worked with the mafia. She had worked in the tower as a janitor. She knew a lot about the mafia but kept it all to herself. Tucker had seen her working one night and talked with her. They had dated ever since.

"Ma'am, whatever you may know, could help us find him." He said and she bit her lip as she looked around then to the growing crowd. She froze as she saw a face she recognized. She paled and stepped back as her breathing quickened.

"H... Helex..." She gasped then saw another person she knew in the crowd. "Vos..." She rasped then screamed and ran down the road, and into the woods. The cop shouted at her to come back then a few ran after her. By the time they found her, the mercenaries had done their work. The cops stared at the body then found the dead driver not far away. The police looked at each other then one walked off to call it in.

"Rodimus... I think these deaths are connected with the past five that we've had in only a few short hours... markings are the same and method seems to be as well." He said then jumped as he heard a distant howl. "Bag and go." He told the team and went to get the paramedics.


Megatron glanced around at the others in the waiting room without moving his head and barely bouncing his leg up and down. Piper looked at him and furrowed her brow a little. She didn't understand why he was struggling to hold still and be calm. He was so tense. She stared at her hands and furrowed her brow.

"Why are you so nervous?" She asked and looked at him again as he stopped. He stared blankly then glanced at her for a moment.

"You don't understand who I am child. I've done things in the past... terrible things." He said seriously and looked at the floor. She stared at him then set a hand on his arm. He tensed and looked over at her.

"But you saved me and my dad. That's something good. Just hold on to the good and move forward." She said as she smiled slightly. He stared at her for a while then smiled a little in turn.

"I see why Blitzwing is so fond of you." He chuckled quietly and she furrowed her brow in confusion.

"What?" She asked but he didn't answer as two women came into the building. He stood and walked over then hugged them both. They asked him questions and he answered the best he could.

Piper sat in silence as she thought about what he said. Did Blitzwing like her? She was feeling distant from Knockout and he was pushing her away. But she didn't understand why. Baylee walked over to her and hugged her close as she asked if she was alright. Piper stared at her blankly then everything hit her. Her dad was hurt and her brother was probably dead.

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