Chapter Thirty Five

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Whelp after you all voted for and decided that Megatron needs to live a happy life, I decided to do that. But I need to obviously resolve a few things. ;) 

It gave me ideas but I also want to just send him to jail. So now I'm conflicted and playing both stories in my head. This is part of the result.

Patience young reader, the book isn't over. :D


The air was still and eerily silent as the cops searched the house. Megatron had paused when he heard Heatwave's cry, the ex-con watched the house and listened as he planned his next move. He knew Soundwave and the girls were safe. That was the important part. He just had to get Beta back before Tarn did something else. He remembered where he left Nickel and the boys and headed that way. He moved quickly and quietly as he got to the location. The man crouched down where the two villains had fallen, he felt the grass and glanced around before taking off. He heard the men faintly talking and quickly caught up without drawing their attention. 

They were slower due to the fact that they had Nickel and Beta. The men spoke quietly as the scarred woman lay in the grass at their feet. She was weak from another beating, which boiled Megatrons blood. Nickel looked around as she shook and Tarn spoke to her gently to calm her, Vos and Helex scanning the area.

"We need to go." Vos hissed and Tarn glanced at him before motioning for him to follow. Helex roughly picked up Beta and they went through the woods. Megatron followed carefully as they went down the hill to the road where their hidden car was waiting. The ex-cons eyes widened and he quickened his pace to try and catch up. They all got into the car and drove off, going slow and keeping lights off to get away. 

Megatron grunted as he slid down the hill and stumbled onto the road. He growled lowly as he continued to run. He glanced around and crossed the road before going into the woods again. He could see that the road curved around this hill, he could cut them off and save her before he lost them. Megatron glanced between what he could see of the car and the road up ahead. He ran faster and slid down the slope, doing his best to avoid anything that would stop him. It was dark and cloudy, but he seemed to have an instinct of where things were. He grunted as he stopped at the bottom and looked back to the car, he didn't see it but he knew he was ahead. He ran out of the brush and onto the dirt road, then froze. 

He panted quietly as he stared at the young man in front of him. Bumblebee had heard crashing and looked around but hadn't actually seen anything. He turned around when it got close and froze as he came face to face with Megatron. His eyes widened as he pulled out his gun and aimed at him. The ex-con slowly raised his hands and stared at him intently, listening for the car.

"Y-you aren't real."The young man said as he shook and stared at him. "Y-you're in my head... I'-I'm going to shoot you... and you'll disappear." he told himself as he watched him.

"Don't shoot me. You've been hallucinating for a while... haven't you?" He asked and the cop paled as he shook. "You saw me at the hospital... remember? My sons are there and Baylee visits them with a woman you barely know. I am real and alive." He said seriously as he studied him.

"W... what? But... no no no." He whispered quietly and looked at him then cocked the gun. "Y-you aren't real... you can't be." He gasped and Megatron glanced behind him. Where was the car?

"Listen to me. If you shoot me I won't be able to save the life of an innocent woman. I need you-"

"Why would you save anyone?!" He cried as tears filled his eyes. "Why would you help anyone?! You've tormented my family for years and killed my dad! You've killed so many people and you have to pay!" He shouted angrily. Megatron realized just how much he hurt this young man and his family. Regret pulled at his heart once more. He hated that feeling, but it was becoming all too familiar now. 

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