Chapter Twenty Four

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Knockout slowly made his way to the patients room as he stared at his clipboard and gripped it tightly. He was angry with himself for hurting Piper like that. He stopped as he stayed around the corner and listened to her walk off, knowing she'd probably cry. Of course she would, he broke her heart when she needed him most. He closed his eyes and gripped the clipboard more as he tried not to get angrier. He hated this whole situation.

After the attack on city hall, and after he found out about Ratchet being Piper's dad, he had spent long hours taking care of the patients with the doctor. It had been awkward to say the least and he was grateful when he was able to go home at two in the morning. He sighed as he remembered going home to a dark apartment and trying to turn the lights on.

That's when his nightmare started.


The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as an eerie feeling settled over him. Someone was in his home. He looked at his phone to call the police, but it was dead from his long night. He gripped his phone in his hand and grabbed a baseball bat.

He paused and stared at it for a moment then looked at the name on the handle. Breakdown.

He had used it to play the actually game when they were younger and set it there one day claiming he'd play again after their next job. But that was the same day he died. Knockout hadn't touched the bat since, until this moment.

He blinked back tears and gripped it as he focused on locating the intruder. He went to the living room and saw a woman sitting in Breakdowns favorite chair as she watched him. A wicked smile slowly climbed up her face.

"Airachnid." he spat and gripped the bat as he quickly walked forward. He swung at her head and she yelped as she ducked then moved out of the chair.

"Ooh a feisty doctor, I like that." She purred as she dodged another blow to the head. She smirked as she moved around him and quickly locked his arms with her own so he couldn't move.

"Let me go witch!" He shouted angrily and she quickly injected something into his neck. He cried out in surprise and she shoved him to the floor. His world spun slowly and he got up then stumbled a little.

"Fast acting little drug I made." She smirked as he tried to swing at her again. "Tsk tsk tsk, you shouldn't struggle, it makes things worse." She pouted. Knockout felt dizzy and everything swayed as he tried to focus. He dropped to his knees as the bat fell from his grasp. He gripped the floor and panted heavily as he felt sick to his stomach.

"W... what... is... this poison?" He rasped as he gripped his stomach and gagged. He felt as though his body was suddenly on fire. He screamed in agony and curled up on the floor as he cried out.

"Shh shh shh... not so loud love." She purred as she covered his mouth. His cries of pain were muffled and tears of agony fell down his face. "Hurts doesn't it?" She said with mock pity in her voice. "This is just a little bit, Knocks. Imagine what the whole vial would do." She sneered and he screamed through her hand as he writhed in pain. She huffed and injected him with something else. After a few agonizing moments, the pain stopped and he just lay on the floor as he panted heavily.

"Well that was fun." She said in a sadistic tone as she grabbed him by the shirt and made him sit up. "Now for my bargain." She sneered as he glared darkly. "I need some medical attention after my run in with Soundwave." She pouted and gripped his hair harshly. "I also need a list of other things so I can finish my work." She purred into his ear then nipped it.

"W... why would I help you?" He rasped and shoved her away as he glared darkly. "You murdered my brother in cold blood and I'm going to kill you, if the cops don't come get you first." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth. She laughed cruelly and smiled.

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