Chapter Thirty Three

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Guess who's back? Again.... *Cough* *Cough* Neglectful author *cough* *cough*

Not my fault... actually it is but... ya... you guys don't want to know all that so... Enjoy! :D


The night was cloudy and covered in light from the moon and stars above. The house sat in the darkness in the woods without a care in the world. A lone man made his way through the woods with no light and only his instincts. He paused as he saw a small light ahead of him. It wasn't from the house. He crouched down more and simply watched as a small group of men made their way to the house. They spread out to surround it and he counted to see it was only three men. He frowned deeply and wondered how stupid they were, but remembered he was a lone person going to a house of killers. Though that was different, it was him. 

Megatron watched the other three then made his way towards the one closest to him, wondering who it was and if he could get them to cooperate. Maybe he could use them as a decoy so they could get caught by the Decepticon Justice Division instead of him. The ex-con smirked a little to himself, he was still cunning and ruthless at times. And honestly he enjoyed being awful. He thought about going back to the cons and rising to power again. No one would suspect it, and his loyal followers would flock to him.

He stopped suddenly and furrowed his brow, what was wrong with him? He shook his head and snuck up on his victim, though he stopped again when the man paused and glanced around. Megatron pounced and grabbed the man, covering his mouth and shoving him to the ground with a dark expression. He blinked a few times at the person.

"Soundwave?" He asked and the young man stared at him as he paled a little, as if he'd seen a ghost. The ex-con realized he was one to the young man.  He never told him he was still around and that hurt him a little. 

"M-M-Megatron..." the young man whispered and just stared at him for a long time as his eyes widened. He couldn't believe he was alive and never told him. Then again, perhaps he was here to kill him for betraying him. He glanced towards the house then at him again. "I have one request before you end me. T-"

"Why would I end you?" Megatron asked and furrowed his brow in confusion as he watched the young man. "I actually need your help freeing someone from the house." he said quietly and moved so he could sit up.

"Really? I'm here trying to save the little boy. Rodimus asked us to help him save his brother." He admitted and looked to the house then pointed the said cop out.

"Wait... so you don't know..." Megatron said in slight surprise as he watched the young man, he realized he missed his non-biological son more than he thought.

"Don't know what? That my dad kidnapped a little boy that has no connection with the DJD?" he smirked and looked at him.

"No... Soundwave... they have your mother... Beta." he whispered and the young man stared at him blankly before his eyes widened. His expression turned to anger and he looked at the house once more.

"I'll kill them if they've harmed her." He growled angrily and got up, the ex-con leader gripped his arm and looked at him. 

"I'll get her out... you focus on the boy." he said seriously and glanced to the other two men. "They don't know I'm here and right now I'd throw things off. Just understand I'm here and don't shoot me." He said seriously. Soundwave nodded quickly and they went their separate ways to get their targets home.


The girl watched the scarred woman for a moment and hesitated before glancing to the doorway and then out the window. She froze as she saw something move out there. She jumped up to go tell the boys but stopped as Beta still gripped her arm. She looked to her and the woman slowly shook her head. 

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