Chapter Eight

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Once Megatron was feeling better, he explored the home and the garden outside that was surrounded by woods. They were extremely well hidden from anyone's view. He watched as his children left to do different things and become what they wanted.

Baylee worked at the hospital, and became good friends with a lot of people. She never brought them home, knowing her father had to be hidden. She also never talked about her family simply to protect them. She became good friends with a group of girls named Piper, Cassidy and a few others. They were great friends and did a lot together. The three children became Megatron's eyes and ears to the outside world.

Steeljaw followed his father's footsteps and became involved with the mafia. Megatron didn't approve of his activity but didn't say anything. He didn't want to push him away and hoped he'd get out of it soon. Though Steeljaw always reported back and told him what the mafia or gangs were doing. Baylee would tell him about the things happening in her friends life. Which helped him keep track of somethings.

Blitzwing had random information that was useful and sometimes wasn't. He would get thrown into the mental hospital but didn't stay. They couldn't seem to keep him in and it turned into a game for him.

Beta kept in contact with her sons but couldn't visit them. Her ex was still looking for her. She would call them and do what she could in hiding. Shockwave stopped talking to her altogether and seemed to disappear. Though they knew he was working with Steeljaw.

Megatron himself started to leave in the night and went back to the city. He grew his facial hair out to stay hidden from recognition. When asked where he went and why, he never told them. Beta and Steeljaw told him he needed to be careful and not blow his cover. The man didn't respond and disappeared again.

It had been two years since the explosion and they were worried he was going to ruin his cover. One night it was raining and Beta was the only one awake in the house.

The front door burst open and she jumped in surprise as she grabbed a kitchen knife. She went to the door and her eyes widened in alarm. Megatron was gripping his arm as it bled from a bullet wound. He looked at her as sweat ran down his face. She helped him inside then closed the door and locked it.

"What are you doing out there?" She hissed as she sat him down. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" She asked as she smacked him in the back of the head. He didn't respond and stared at the floor as he glared a little. She shook her head angrily and grabbed some medical supplies. She came back, took off his shirt and roughly worked on his shoulder as she scolded him.

"I don't understand why you do this. What is so important for you to risk your life and the lives of your children?" She asked as she glared at the wound.

"I was protecting Heatwave..." he rasped quietly without looking at her. She stopped suddenly and looked at him.

"What?" She whispered as she stared at him. He didn't look at her as he stared at the floor and rain dripped down his face.

"Someone was trying to kill him... I stopped the sniper... he was a Predacon..." he rasped and she knelt in front of him as tears fell down her face.

"I won't tell you how I know these things. But I leave because I've been protecting your sons." He whispered. "I made a promise that I would, and I don't intend to break that." He said seriously. Beta stared at him and choked back a sob then hugged him gently. His eyes widened in surprise and he slowly looked at her.

"Thank you... thank you..." she whispered quietly between her tears. He smiled a little and hugged her back the best he could.

"You're welcome Beta..." he whispered and buried his face in her hair. He was reminded of Ashley and his heart ached for his wife. He couldn't think of her as an ex and his heart wouldn't let her go.

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