Chapter Twenty Eight

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Smokescreen was silently typing as he thought about what happened and what he was trying to do now. He sighed forcefully and rubbed his face then set his elbows on the desk. He kept his head in his hands as he gripped his hair. He wanted to help more than he was currently able. He couldn't be in the force but was able to do office work, after Rodimus pulled a few strings he got him a job in the station still. He was in another building though as he worked on a few cases.

He sighed and checked his phone then smiled a little at his sweethearts message. He loved Brooke so much and would do anything for her. He read it a few times then looked up at the clock for a moment. He sighed and rubbed his face as he put his phone away. He stared at his legs and his eyes glazed over a little.

He wished he could walk but knew there wasn't much he could do about it now. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment as he gripped his knees, but didn't feel anything, still. He sighed and hung his head as he sat there, slowly fingering the scar on his arm from the accident, though he knew better than to call it that.

After a few minutes he went back to typing and worked on finishing his paperwork for the evening. He was the only one in the office at the moment and he noticed it was slowly getting dark, the only light in the room from his computer. He had to finish his work before he could go. He heard someone enter the room and figured it was the night crew, they would work around his desk and work with the others. He didn't know how many were in this room.

"I'll be done soon." he called as he continued to type and glanced towards the door on the far wall, but didn't see anyone. He glanced behind him to the elevator and frowned before working again.

He paused as he realized something, no one was in the room. He looked around more and gripped the wheels on his chair. He frowned as he moved from his desk.

"Good evening friend." a voice said in the darkness and he froze as he glanced around the room to see a man standing in front of the elevator. He hadn't been there a moment ago.

"Evening... sir. May I ask who you are?" He said keeping his voice calm, though the air around him was tense and he was nervous. The man stayed in the shadow for a moment then chuckled darkly as he stepped to the light.

"I'm hurt that you don't recognize me." the figure said as he looked at him with dark eyes, ones that were filled with malice. Smokescreens eyes widened as he remembered the man and he gripped his wheels more.

"Barricade." He gasped and his knuckles turned white as his grip tightened more. The man smirked as he walked towards him. "What do you want?" he growled lowly.

"Information of course." he said as he walked over and smacked him hard in the face, making the man grunt as his head turned sharply. "I know this place has everything I need." He sneered and gripped his chair handles then shoved him into the desk. "Now, open the computer and do as I say." he said into his ear.

Smokescreen stared blankly as he clenched his fists under the table and thought about what to do. He couldn't let this man hurt anyone else. He slowly brought his hands to the keyboard and stared blankly as he thought of his sweetheart.

"You're taking too long." he growled and moved away as he pulled the chair back then shoved him to the ground.

Smokescreen cried out in pain as he hit the ground and the villain kicked him before searching his desk. The young man looked at him as he frowned deeply. What was he looking for? He shook his head and worked on moving away. Barricade glanced at him then punched him hard in the face.

"Don't go anywhere, Cripple." he sneered and Smokescreen glared at him as blood leaked from the cut on his lip. He waited for him to keep searching then worked on getting away again.

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