Chapter Twenty Three

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Grimlock stared blankly out the window as he lay on the bed and sighed a little in frustration. Pet was still keeping him down as Nickel did house work and he could hear her as she walked around and hummed to herself.

He knew his father was injured and needed to get to him, that and he felt something bad had happened to Piper. He had to get out of here and protect them. He glanced at the wolf as he got an idea and started petting the big dog, who growled at first then calmed as his tail wagged.

"Good boy." He whispered and looked around for a phone or something to help him get out or call for help. He glanced to his wound and grunted as he tried to get up and the wolf looked at him as he growled. "Knock it off." he said sternly. The wolf sat up in surprise as he watched the young man. He didn't expect him to have the same authority his team had.

Grimlock grunted and clutched his wound as he stood then walked over to the window to survey the area. He was surrounded by woods, they were thick and dark which would make for a good escape. The wolf jumped down and tugged on his shirt making him stumble back. He glared at the dog then got an idea as he slowly walked to the door.

"Hey... go tell... uh... Nickel, that I need food." He said and the wolf stared at him with a dark expression before leaving the room. Grimlock closed the door quietly then grunted in pain as he moved the dresser in front of it. He winced and glanced at his wound then made his way to the window. He looked outside and realized he was on the second story. He figured he could jump or climb down. But knew both were risky. Anything was.

He sighed and thought about his father and his screams echoed in his head, along with Pipers cries of distress. The sound of his father begging him not to die as he tried to help him with his crushed hands. Grimlock squeezed his eyes shut as the images and sounds haunted him. He looked at the ground below and climbed out the window. He hung from the sill and fought the pain before dropping down and running into the woods. He glanced towards the setting sun and headed in that direction, hoping he could come to a road soon and follow it back to town. He saw the dirt driveway and made sure to stay away from it. He couldn't afford to get caught.

He heard the wolf howling and ran faster as he dodged the fallen trees and rocks. He listened intently for a river or stream as he ran faster. He eventually heard one and made a beeline to it as he panted a little. He smiled  hopefully as he saw the river and pressed forward still, reaching out as it got closer. He grunted and he fell forward as Pet pinned him down. The wolf growled threateningly and grabbed the back of his shirt then started dragging him back to the house. The man panted quietly as he tried to gather his strength again. He was so exhausted and closed his eyes for a moment to focus.

Pet struggled to drag the man that was bigger than he was used to. He had trained with every member of the team but didn't like dragging the bigger men around. It was tiring and irritating, but his job none the less. He saw the house and noticed Nickel standing in the yard at the very edge. She wasn't allowed to leave the home and was an extremely obedient animal. Tarn would let her go into the yard and if she was good he'd let her go into the woods to explore, but Pet had to be with her at all times.

Grimlock felt the ground underneath him change to the dirt road. His eyes shot open and he punched the wolf in the face, making him yelp in surprise and let go. The man jumped up and narrowed his eyes as he started punching the wolf then pinned him down, keeping his head on the ground. He seethed angrily as he kept it pinned and gripped it's neck, ready to kill it with his bare hands. Pet whined and growled as he struggled to get free from the man, his eyes wide with shock but his training and instincts kept his mind from panicking.

"No stop!" Nickel screamed and Pet wiggled around before slipping free then jumping away before attacking. He knew he couldn't kill the man, but he could hurt him if it made him stop.

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