Chapter Twenty Seven

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The Decepticon Justice Division was silent as they went to an offsite secret location, to gather up their weapons and whatever else they needed. Tesarus pulled his leader aside and spoke with him for a while, Tarn frowned then nodded in understanding before going to his team. He glanced at them and glared darkly. He was going to personally kill Kaon for his treachery.

"We're leaving now. Pharma is still in the hospital and more than likely doing our job." he seethed as he clenched his fists. "We need to make one more stop before we go to the hospital." he grumbled.

"Why are we going back so soon?" Vos asked nervously as he watched the man, who glared darkly. The others glanced at him then stepped back.

"A good percent of our targets are there and we still have a job to do." their leader said seriously as he narrowed his eyes. "Get in the van." he muttered and they quickly got in as instructed.

Tarn pulled out his phone and stared at it for a few minutes. He wanted to call Nickel and let her know everything was alright. He frowned and closed the phone then headed out with the others.


Nickel was worried as she watched the news and noticed her boys were caught by the police. She paced nervously and tried to figure out what to do and how to help them. Though she was also starting to doubt everything. Especially after seeing what they actually did.

The young girl bit her lip and looked up the stairs towards the room the you man was in. She sighed and went to make something for him to eat. She didn't know what else to do other than to clean.

Grimlock grunted as he glanced around and knew he had to get out of here, despite how hurt he was and what the cost would be. He listened to the house for a while then decided to gather his strength again. The wolf wasn't here, so his chances were a little better.

He slowly opened his eyes again and forced himself to get up. They hadn't chained him down. Nickel had felt bad and left him unchained. He grunted quietly and listened to the front door open then close. He knew Nickel went outside and had to act fast.

He tried to get up and fell to the ground. He grit his teeth as pain racked his body and his wounds throbbed. He then crawled to the door and gripped the dresser as he forced himself to stand. He worked on the door and listened to the young woman outside. He sighed forcefully and grunted as he rammed into the door. He listened and repeated until he got it open.

Grimlock fell again to the ground and groaned in pain. The man gripped the floor and slowly went to the railing. After standing again, he glanced around then saw then he girls phone on the coffee table. He sighed in relief and made his way to the stairs. He practically slid down them as he struggled then fell to the floor at the bottom.

The house was silent except for the news on the TV as the poor man tried to gather what strength he had left. He crawled to the table and grabbed the phone. He collapsed again on the floor and lay there as he slowly dialed 911. He listened to it ring as he faded. His body was tired and he was pushing it too much.

"911 what's your emergency?" He didn't respond for a few minutes then grunted weakly.

"Help... me... please... I'm... a... captive..." he managed as he heard the door open and Nickel came in. She stopped suddenly when she saw him and saw he was bleeding. She rushed over and kicked the phone away then glared darkly.

Her expression softened though as he looked at her. His eyes pleading for help. She knelt down and quietly helped re-stitch him as the person on the phone tried to get information.

"You're an idiot..." Nickel whispered quietly as she worked on him. Soon having him patched up again.

"I... need... to... save... my... father...." he rasped weakly as tears filled his eyes. She stared at him then sat closer and gently set his head in her lap. She stared at nothing in particular as she thought about what they did to him.

The young woman was in turmoil and realized this man was going to die if she didn't help him. She had thought he was trying to escape, but he was more concerned about his family. She then decided to just wait for someone to come help her. She couldn't move him and she felt lost on what the next course of action should be.

What was the right thing to do?


Rodimus sighed as he sat at his desk and stared blankly at the paperwork in front of him. The young man didn't know where he was going to find the cons. He sighed forcefully and rubbed his face then looked at the clock. It was time to pick up his brother.

Strongarm was off with her team working on finding their friend, and protecting the other victims. He sighed again and got up then headed out to get the boy. He was silent as he drove and tried to think of something he could do to help the case.

They seemed to be at a standstill, and most of the cops figured it was over. But he knew their was still something they were missing. He needed to know who hired the DJD and where that person was now. He pushed work away for a moment and pulled up to the school.

He stared at the building and noticed most of the students had been picked up. He felt bad for being late and got out of the car. The cop didn't see his brother and he furrowed his brow before going inside. He looked around then found the boys teacher.

"Excuse me, Mrs Peterson?" He asked as he walked over and she smiled brightly. "Have you seen Elliott?" He said seriously. Her smile faded and she seemed confused.

"No. He left a while ago with the officer you sent to pick him up." She explained and he frowned deeply.

"What officer?" He asked as dread and fear slowly gripped at his heart. She thought for a moment then glanced to the doorway.

"I... didn't get his name... but he had a strange scar on his face and he was a bigger man. More muscle than anything else. The scar looked like an X." She said as she described the said man. Rodimus paled and stepped back as he realized who it was.

"Tesarus..." he gasped and quickly ran out of the building. He remembered what Helex said in the interrogation room and his blood turned to ice. He ran out to the street and looked around frantically for the boy. Or anything to help him find the child.

"No... no no no no no no no no." He mumbled as tears filled his eyes and he felt panic fill his heart. The Decepticon Justice Division had his little brother.

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