Chapter Eighteen

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Everything was quiet and still. Darkness settled over the room as the sun slowly disappeared over the horizon of the city. A man stared out the window and smiled darkly as he watched it disappear and the world plunged into the abyss of the night. Silence and blackness consumed the small room. He closed his eye and inhaled deeply.

"Do you feel that, Shockwave?" he asked without moving to face him. The scientist looked up from his station and scanned the room with his single eye. He wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to be feeling.

"What am I searching for?" He asked and the man looked at him. He stood and seemed slightly irritated with the scientist. He walked over and just stared at him before looking at his project. "The list is completed as you've asked." Shockwave said seriously. He nodded and smiled darkly as he looked to the city again.

"Perfect. When the DJD return have them start on the list. Actually... tell me who's on it first." he said coldly and the scientist looked at the list.

"I put the names you requested on-"

"I want to make sure you did it right." He snapped and glared but didn't look at him. Shockwave didn't show that the mans words had irritated him and looked back at the said list. He stared at the names and half wondered why some people where on it.

"The order of the names-"

"I put them that way for a reason. Starting with the least important to society and then the more important ones. That way the deaths of the few won't go noticed." He smirked and glanced at him. "You and Megatron wanted to blow up the city. You both failed miserably. But I'm going to destroy it little by little. When they realize whats happening, it'll be too late." he scoffed then glanced at him again. Shockwave just stared back then looked at the list again as he thought about the two names he put on it.

"Arachnid, Starscream, a few people I don't know-"

"That doesn't matter. I know them and they need to be taken out." The man snapped and glared at him again. Shockwave nodded slowly and looked at the list again as he went back to the names. He half wondered why some people were on it.

"Jason, Timothy, Allen, Amanda, Tucker, Emily..." He paused for a moment and glanced at the other man. He looked back at the list and continued. "Steve, Jazz, Knockout, Chief Burns, Cody Burns, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Peregrine... she is simply a child. What did she do to-"

"Are you showing emotions? I have my reasons for each person. Whether it be because the person did something to me, or because I want someone else to suffer." He said seriously and narrowed his eyes. Shockwave didn't respond and continued.

"Heatwave, Jim, Soundwave and Optimus." The scientist finished then glanced at the other man. He didn't seem happy and looked at the scientist in turn.

"You added two names. But I suppose I did over look them." He muttered and walked over to him then took the list. "Give this to Tarn when he gets back and have him start immediately." He said and went to a side door. "I'm going to make everyone that hurt me pay dearly, or just hurt people because I don't like them." He scoffed and opened the door.

"Don't change the order of that list. If not done that way, it will ruin my plans." he said coldly and left to deal with their prisoner. Shockwave nodded once and went back to finalizing the mans plan. He had a feeling that the man would add a few more names later on.

Possibly his own just to cut loose ends. He needed a back up plan in case he betrayed him.


Megatron ran down the hallway of the hospital with Piper close behind him. He had managed to grab a quick disguise, which Piper asked him about, before he ran after the ambulance. He fought back the words he said to his son before he got hit. Fought back tears as he relived running to him and trying to wake him.

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