Chapter Twenty Six

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Finally posted. Special thanks to Bumblemus_Prime for the new awesome cover. You rock!

Special thanks to ConPrincessStarfire and pretty much everyone else for helping me out with this.

Thanks guys!


The old doctor felt himself slowly waking up again, after what felt like an eternity. He stared blankly at the white ceiling and thought about a few things then realized he heard crying. He furrowed his brow then slowly looked over to the sound.

Piper was sitting by him with her head in her arms as she sobbed silently. He grunted quietly as he turned to her and wanted to comfort her. She continued to cry for a moment and he twitched his hands only to tense in pain. Piper jumped up when she heard him weakly cry out.

"Dad?" She whispered quietly and quickly wiped her tears away, she then sat up to try to make sure he was alright. Ratchet let her do what she wanted then watched her sit down again.

"P... Piper... what's... wrong?" He rasped as he looked at her and attempted to move again. She shook her head and gently gripped his shoulder.

"Don't strain yourself." She whispered quietly and wiped her tears away again. "I um... I had.... I'm okay... I uh..." she trailed off and her lip quivered as she tried not to fall apart but failed. She covered her mouth and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Knockout... died... he was poisoned.... over a... long period of time... Airachnid... killed him..." she choked and the doctor blinked in surprise. "He did love... he did love me... but he lied about it... to protect me!" She cried and buried her face in her hands.

"Oh... Piper..." he whispered quietly as tears fell down his face. "Come... here..." he mumbled and she got up then curled up by his side, making sure to be careful.

He rested his head against hers as he listened to her sob her heart out. He knew she loved the young man and he had grown fond of him as well. He stared blankly as he thought about everything that happened.

Piper continued to hold on to her father as she sobbed silently. She slowly calmed down after a while and stared blankly. Her mind drifted off to earlier that day and how she managed to speak to him for a moment.  She couldn't believe he died shortly after the doctors saved him.

They said his body couldn't take it anymore. That it was too poisoned and rejected the antidote. She buried her face in her father's chest and sobbed silently.


Megatron stared blankly at the white sheet that covered the young doctor. He was down in the morgue with Beta, after hearing about the man's passing. He hesitated then gently pulled the sheet back. He stared at the young man's face then looked away.

"I'm.... I'm sorry... I didn't help you and your brother... I shouldn't have let you boys join... but I did..." he whispered quietly and looked at his still face again.

Beta walked over and looked at him then gently hugged his free arm. She stared at the young man that had been tortured by Airachnid, his body slowly dying from the abuse.

"His brother... Breakdown... was also killed by Airachnid... she stabbed him in the heart when he was trying to protect Knockout...." he rasped as tears filled his eyes. "These poor boys... I did this to them..." he whispered. Beta stared at him then buried her face in his arm. Knowing he'd probably blame himself for a long time. She didn't know what to say though or how to help him.

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