Chapter Thirty Eight

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Heatwave gripped the wheel as he narrowed his eyes, urging the car to go faster as Kade held on for dear life. He wasn't aware that the cons had taken a back road towards the city. The truck groaned in protest as he pushed it to go uphill. Kade was anxious but knew better than to say anything at this point. They managed to get up the hill and he sped towards the cabin. He was gripping the wheel so tightly it looked as though hit would snap.

"Come on, come on." he muttered as he continued to drive quickly towards the cabin. He got there and saw a few cop cars. They were looking at a dead man on the ground, he quickly parked. Heatwave barley turned the car off before he jumped out of the car and ran over to them.

"Where's the fire?" Strongarm asked and he glared at her, not knowing if she was intending to jest or not. He glanced to the shed which had its door closed and chained. He walked to it and couldn't see into the windows. Ironhide saw him and furrowed his brow a little.

"We haven't attempted to get in yet, possible traps." He said seriously and glanced to the dead man. "Why would he kill his own teammate?" He mumbled to himself as Heatwave looked at the door again.

"Because he made him angry." The firefighter growled and went to his truck. He grabbed his ax from the truck and smashed it into the door handle. The other cops yelled at him to stop in case there was a bomb or something. He chopped the handle off where the chain was and kicked at the door.

"Heatwave stop!" Ironhide yelled as he grabbed his ax and pulled it out of his hand. "It could be rigged! Don't make me restrain you!" He said angrily as the fireman rammed his shoulder into the door. It snapped open and he gained his footing as he looked inside. The group stared in horror with wide eyes at the scene.

"Get a medic!" Ironhide boomed as Heatwave went inside without another thought. The young musician was covered in blood and still hanging from the rafters. His shirt ripped to shreds and on the floor with his shoes and socks. The firefighter went to his brother and gently gripped his face with his gloved hands.

"Sounds? Sounders?" He asked as he fought back tears then looked to the beam above him. "Soundwave!" He cried when he didn't respond. Ironhide rushed over and hacked at the chain with the firefighters ax. Heatwave undid the ropes at the mans feet, causing the weights to fall off. Ironhide managed to break the chain and Heatwave caught his brother then lowered him to the ground. He knelt there as he held on to him tightly. He quickly put his jacket around him to keep him from getting cold.

"Come on Soundwave... come on wake up." He pleaded as he rubbed the young mans cheek with his hand to get him to respond. "Don't you do this to me again." He seethed angrily through gritted teeth as tears filled his eyes. "Don't you dare do this to me." He choked as he held his baby brother. This was the second time he had held his brother as he died, the first was during the attack on the city. This was the third time he lost his brother to his father's actions.

"Soundwave! Wake up!" He cried as his tears fell down his face. The others outside watched quietly and Ironhide wanted to help somehow. But he couldn't.

"Wake up little brother... please." He choked as he buried his face in his neck. He felt anger and hurt gripping his heart as he held on to him tightly. "Don't leave me again... come on Sounders... wake up..." he sobbed as he shook with grief. Not caring that his brothers blood stained his clothing.

"Heat... wave...." his brother rasped and the firefighter looked at him with relief on his face. He choked back a sob as he half laughed and hugged his brother close.

"Stop doing this to me Sounders... I can't take any more of this." He muttered as he held on to him. His brother smiled weakly and slowly gripped his arm as he shook, his body starting to register the pains.

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