Chapter Eleven

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Beta didn't know what to say nor how to respond. Tears filled her eyes and slowly fell down her scarred face. So many questions ran through her head and she slowly felt numb.

"W... why?" She rasped weakly and looked at him as he pulled back.

"Shh don't cry yet." He said as he brushed her tears away with his thumb. She shuddered and tried to move away as she looked to the back room. Where was Megatron?

She wanted to call out to him for help, but she also knew he was trying to stay hidden from the world. She felt so torn on what to do. Unfortunately for her, Megatron had stepped out for the night.

"What are you looking for?" Tarn asked as he narrowed his eyes. She hesitated and looked at him again but didn't say anything. He gripped her neck tightly and shoved her head back. A strained cry escaped her and tears fell down her face.

"You're already terrified." He chuckled and smirked darkly as he watched her struggle to breathe. He tightened his grip and she gasped, or tried to, as she clawed at him.

"Don't fight " He growled lowly and shoved her head against the wall. He tightened his grip more then started kissing her neck that was still exposed. She was terrified and disgusted as she fought.

Her strength was fading fast and her movements slowed as she clawed at him. In a desperate attempted to get free she scratched his face across one eye. He yelled angrily and pulled away as he let go of her.

Beta fell to the ground and lay there as she coughed and gasped for air. She had to get away, but couldn't even breathe. She looked around and frantically scanned for a way out. Tarn growled lowly and wiped the blood off his face. He looked at her as she gripped the floor and tried to pull herself away. He grabbed her by the hair and yanked her up then threw her into some shelves. Beta curled up as the shelf fell and hit the other one. It didn't fall on top of her, but the pots and plants did. She weakly covered her face as the clay pots hit her. The woman was soon covered in dirt, plants and broken piece of clay.

Tarn looked around then grabbed a lighter from his pockets and set some things on fire. Paper on the desk or anything else nearby that would burn. He then grabbed the broom and walked over to her as he broke the head of the broom off. Leaving a long wooden rod with a sharp end.

Beta grunted weakly as she tried to get up, but the fallen shelf stopped her. She slowly looked up at him as her hair covered part of her face. Dirt and plants tangled in her long, thick hair. She whimpered quietly as she shook with fear and watched him approach. She noticed the fire that was quickly growing and climbing the walls.

"I'm going to break every bone in your hideous body." He seethed angrily and gripped the the edge of the shelf. She grabbed a broken piece of the pot then stabbed his hand. He cried out in pain as it went through and stuck in the wood.

She wasn't quick enough to get away and he grabbed her ankle. She cried out as he dragged her from hiding and across the sharp pots. She hit him and managed to grab the broom handle then smashed it into his face a few times.

"Stop fighting me!" He yelled angrily and grabbed her by the throat again. He lifted her up and her feet dangled as she gripped his hand. She gasped for air again as he squeezed, intending to snap her neck.

"Tarn!" A man shouted angrily and the intruder stopped as he blinked in surprise. He knew that voice. He slowly turned as he lowered her to the ground but kept his hold. Megatron glared darkly as he clenched his fists.

"Y... you're alive?" He asked in disbelief and looked at Beta then him. "I hope you don't mind, but I have some business to attend to." He said seriously and threw Beta into another set of shelves. She didn't move this time as she hit the floor.

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