Chapter twenty-six - Familiar People

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"You were waiting for someone but you didn't know who they were until they arrived."

- Adam Phillips


Danielle couldn't believe her eyes. When they met with his, it was as if the world had stopped with moving for a second. He had changed a lot -for the better- but his eyes always remained the same. Danielle would be able to pick them out of a crowd with ease, even after all these years.

"No," she whispered -more to herself than to him-, "It can't be. You can't be him."

He cocked his eyebrow, "Him? And who is that 'him' if I may ask, Danielle?"

She shook her head and tried to get a grip on the facts. Her best friend was dead for over a decade now. He couldn't be standing right in front of her.

But she didn't trust herself. Perhaps he did survive. Maybe this guy in front of her truly was the Hunter she had known.

"D-do you know me?" she asked.

"Should I have to? I think I would remember a blazing beauty like you, Danielle."

Tears gathered in her eyes with every breath she took. Hunter was the only one who called her that and the way that nickname rolled of his tongue, it could only mean one thing. This man standing in front of her truly was him. Her used-to-be best friend.

"Why are you crying?" he asked taken aback by the sudden droplets that were rolling down her face.

Sure, he was used to it by now. It was normal for Hunter to see girls cry, but not without an obvious reason -him. He was the one who caused the strongest of girls he had known to reduce to bunch of tears and tissues.

"You're him. You're Hunter," she whispered.

He was even more confused to why she was crying now. Did she cry because of his name? Did it bring up bad memories?

"I am," he confirmed, "Is that a problem for you?"

To any other person -even all the other girls- he would have said it sarcastically, but now it sounded full of curiosity and worry.

Danielle tried to stop crying and it succeeded after a few minutes of concentration. The only thing that gave away she had been crying a mere few minute ago, were the salty trails on her cheeks.

"You don't remember me anymore, Bounty?" Her lower lip started to tremble again. She thought he wouldn't remember.

He tensed.

There was only one person he knew who used to call him that name. And that person wasn't meant to be here in front of him.

"You're not DiDi," he muttered while shaking his head, trying to get the thought of her being his Danielle out of his mind.

The brown-haired female perked up to the familiar nickname, she was used to hear so many times, long ago.

"It's me. I am DiDi."

Locked and Loaded (Fairy Twisted Tale II) (Previously: Beware Of The Beast)Where stories live. Discover now