chapter thirteen - Father, Don't

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"And once the storm is over you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person who walked in."

- Haruki Murakami


When Danielle made it to the hospital, she almost choked up while asking where her father was. Hearing he was on Intensive, her heart stopped a moment.

She made her way and slowed down when she reached the two white doors that separated Danielle from her father. The deep breath she forced herself to take didn't calm her down, but it did tell her body to take it slower.

This was it, Danielle thought at that moment and pushed open the door.

"Can I help you?" a hushed voice of a nurse asked her.

Danielle nodded and told her she was looking for her father who has had an accident recently.

The woman brought her to a secluded section of the ward. And what Danielle saw, she couldn't prepare herself for in even a thousand years.

Her father had always been a strong man and seeing him all helpless pulled at a lot of her heart strings.

"Dad? I'm... I'm here," Danielle said, forcing the words out of her mouth.

He groaned before turning his head towards her and smiled weakly.

"Princess," he breathed out and his face turned into a grimace of pain.

She fluttered around his bed, not knowing what to do to make him feel less pain. When a nurse came in, Danielle didn't know what to because the woman started to check several monitors.

"I am sorry to say this, miss, but I need to ask you to leave," the nurse said when she turned to her.

"But... But I just got here," Danielle said desperately.

"I know, but mister Kaunis needs to go into surgery right now," she explained.

Dread started to seep into her body, "Will he be alright? Please, don't lie about the facts."

"To be honest, miss," the nurse said and guided her out of the room, "It is a procedure that is quite complicated and it isn't executed often."

"But he'll make it out alive, right?"

"The facts state that sixty-five percent of the patients who undergo this procedure, make it out alive, yes."

That meant one third doesn't make it out breathing.

Locked and Loaded (Fairy Twisted Tale II) (Previously: Beware Of The Beast)Where stories live. Discover now