thinking about you

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thinking about you- dua lipa

zion felt numb, emotionless. when you left him he felt like you took a piece of him as well and it was as if that was the part he needed to keep going. his change of mood scared everyone, he did a complete 180, going from being happy and carefree to becoming distant and closed off.

because of the sudden break up, he'd play music so loud in efforts to drown out his thoughts, he'd work later in the studio and anyone who refused him he'd get angry with and lash out at them, he drank more but his body soon became immune to the alcohol that coarsed through his body and no matter how much weed he'd smoke, the memories of you would still be clear in his mind.

it was like no matter what he did, he couldn't get you out of his mind. it's like you were permanently etched into his brain and he hated it. he hated you with his whole being but at the same time wanted you back. zion was stuck between a rock and hard place and he had no idea how to get out of it.

seeing how happy you were and how much you had moved on from him didn't help him in his healing process. he blocked you on all forms of social media, blocked your number, burned the things you left at his place and deleted every trace of you anywhere. but from time to time, he'd unblock you and see what you've been up to and it pained him to see the smile on your face.

he didn't post on social media anymore and after awhile, the beanz noticed and began to ask questions so for a bit he deactivated every account and wallowed in self pity. his obsession with you caused him to reactivate his accounts though.

zion was sitting in the studio at 3 in the morning, a bottle of alcohol in his hand and his phone in the other. he had unblocked your number and was ready to call you to tell you how much you had ruined him but when you didn't answer and he heard your voicemail, he crumbled.

"hey it's, y/n! sorry i missed your call but if i can i'll get back to yo- zion stop" he listened to your voicemail followed by your laugh then his voice faintly in the back. it hurt him. you didn't change your voicemail and he couldn't help but hear how happy he had made you feel, wishing he could go back in time.

zion sucked in a breath of air before speaking,

"i can't stop thinking about you, it fucking sucks. i can't get by, i can't get high, i can't get through. thanks for making me feel like shit, i guess"

he ended the call and threw his phone before taking a large swig from the bottle. hoping this time you'd be erased from his memories.


okay but this hurt my heart to write tbh.

and that also concludes this mini series type thing, hope you guys enjoyed.

let me know if y'all want me to do this again & if you do, send in song requests!

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